Chapter 4

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*genes POV*

As I walked to the park to meet Noah I plugged in my headphones and admired the scenery around me, let the wind muck up my hair but all around happy to be out.

I reached the park after a short 10 minute walk and seen Noah sitting on a park bench on his phone, I ran up behind him and smacked the back of his head "oiii you cunt how've you been" he jumped up rubbing the back of his head "yeah nice to see you too prick" he said while laughing "anyway I'm fine how've you been keeping". "yeah good good now let's go" I replied. We started walking round the park talking about this and that, the cold air nipping at my face. We must've been out just messing around for like 5 hours before we stopped to get dinner at a Nando's. We sat down at out table and ordered, while we waited I decided to check my phone, still no word from Alyssa I decided to tell Noah to see if I was overreacting
"Hey Noah" I broke the silence "hm" he responded without looking up from his phone "Alyssa hasn't text me back all day am I overreacting a bit?" I asked, "I mean not really she is your bird after all" "what could she be doing that she's too busy to answer you?" He questioned back "that's the thing I don't know what she could be doing" I said, "well just forget about her, you're here with me today so let's just chill out ok?"

After that we ate with small talk here and there before paying and walking home. I walked Noah to his house before saying out goodbyes and I continued walking home. "Hello?" I said as I shut the door and took off my jacket, I hear my dad shout "alright Gene, where were you?" He asked "just out with Noah" I replied before sitting on the couch across from him "what about Alyssa you've not been hanging with her much recently". "Actually she's not replied to me all day so I don't know what she's doing" I admitted "oh well you'll see her some time now did you have a good time with Noah?" "Yes I did, we basically just went out and then went to Nandos, not much to it really" I told him "hmm not bad well least you enjoyed yourself" I just smiled back at him before going to the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of water and heading upstairs to my room.

I kicked off my shoes and jumped on my bed. I turned on my phone and watched Netflix before I texted Noah to see if he wanted to play fifa, after my unfortunate loss of 1 tie breaker game I went and got changed into a new hoodie and underwear before getting under the covers and just talking to noah, Hopefully I'll have something from Alyssa by morning.

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