Chapter 6

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*Noahs POV*

I woke up and checked my alarm clock. 4:30pm "fuck this" I thought. I slid out of bed and walked to my closet and pulled out a pair of black joggers and a white Tommy Hilfiger tee. Got dressed, did my hair, brushed my teeth all that jazz checked my phone and didn't see a notif from Gene so I assumed he was still asleep. I put my shoes on grabbed my wallet and walked round to the shop to see if they had the book I'd been looking for. I walked in and seen it right away  "the insight of acquiesce" by Archie Gustavo. I bought the book and as soon as I got home started reading right away just as I was getting into it I got a text from Gene

<new text from: Gal> "I'm coming over, don't question it"
<to: Gal> "that's fine what's up? Issues w dad, len even?"
<from: Gal> "nah, I'll explain when I'm there"

I left it at that and waited for the door to go. About 15 minutes later I heard the door knock and I answered it to see Gene. Fuck me he looked terrible, he looked as if he was close to tears, I moved to the side to let him in and shut the door. I made two cups of tea before We went upstairs to my room where we sat drinking the tea in a comfortable silence. I didn't know how to break the ice so I started with
"Go on then, what's up?"

He let out what sounded like an attempt to speak but a lump in his throat obviously prevented it. He swallowed hard and tried again but all that came out was a choked sob. He held his hand over his mouth in an attempt to control it but I pulled him over into a hug. I laid back so he was laying with his arms round my middle and his head on my chest

"Hey hey hey come on talk to me, you can tell me anything"
In between choked back sobs he managed to answer me.

"She.  Fucking.   Cheated on.  Me"

I felt my heart break at this, he truly loved her. I could barley fathom the words to answer him

"She did, awe Gene I'm so sorry, she's such a bitch, besides there's so many girls out there just for you"

"I know. B-but she was the one I wanted"

I just held him and stroked his hair until he stopped sniffing until I realised his breathing had steadied. Fuck me he's fell asleep. I just accepted that I was gonna have numb legs and grabbed my phone and just watched shit until he stared to Stir. 
He sat up and rubbed his red puffy eyes and yawned,
"How long was I out for?" He asked while grabbing a tissue and wiping his nose
"A good hour and a half" I replied while stretching my now very numb legs
"Fuck me, sorry" he mumbled
"All good. You really were a state but I suppose I can't blame you" I sighed

I looked at my clock and realised it was 6:15
"You should go home and get something to eat and some rest"
He just nodded in response. I walked him downstairs and gave him one last hug before squeezing his shoulder,
"Text me anytime ok?"
He smiled best he could and nodded.  And with that he was off.

I went to the kitchen, washed the mugs and made something to eat
After that I wasn't feeling like doing anything so I turned on some light music and started drifting off to sleep.

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