Chapter 3

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*genes POV*

It was 8am on a Saturday morning when I woke up and looked at my clock "Ugh why'd I wake up so early" I groaned, I dragged myself out of bed and walked to my bathroom "I look disgusting" as I thought to myself before pulling my hoodie off and throwing it in the washing pile. I turned on the water and put on some music before getting in. I soaped up my hair and body then rinsed off before turning off the water and stepping out. I dried off before going to my wardrobe to pick out an outfit for the day I wasn't doing much important so I grabbed a pair of grey joggers and an oversized yellow hoodie.

After getting dressed and doing my hair for the day I headed downstairs for breakfast where I seen Lennon sitting at the table eating, "you're up early" i said. "That's odd coming from you, not like you to be up showered and dressed by 8:45". I giggled while rolling my eyes and told him to piss off. I grabbed some bread, chucking it in the toaster before grabbing the butter from the fridge. I yawned while leaning on the counter when Lennon piped up "see told you that you were tired" all the while laughing I once again told him to shut up before making my toast. I grabbed a plate and took it upstairs where I sat at my desk going through my notifications, I texted Alyssa good morning before turning on my computer and going on YouTube a whole two hours had passed before I knew it I got up and went to wash my dishes then check my phone when I realised that Alyssa had left me on delivered. "That's odd" I thought as she always seems to wake up at 9:30 on the dot every day but I just brushed it off assuming she had slept in.

I grabbed my guitar and started to play some random riffs when my dad came in. "Good morning Gene how you feeling" "fine, thanks dad" I responded with a smile "good good, well I'm going out text me if you need anything and tell Lennon if you're going out ok?" I just nodded in response and continued playing until I heard him leave. I decided to text Noah to see if he fancied going out since Alyssa wasn't responding to me I grabbed my phone and sent him a message, "let's see if I can get a response out of one person today" I thought, he text back almost instantly saying he would and to meet him in 15, I grabbed my coat then told Lennon that I was off "Ok be safe G" he said "I will don't worry your little brain" I laughed back "twat" he shouted as I shut the door and I headed off down the road to meet Noah.

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