Chapter 1 : The Door

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       The world we live in is full of bitter and ungrateful people who only ever think of themselves. Which is why you would find a little safe haven at an abandoned shack in the woods near your home in Gravesfeild, Connecticut. After routinely walking home from school for a month you found an old shack on the way home from school one day while taking a detore through the woods.

     Since then, everyday after school you found yourself walking to that shack and staying there for hours on end before going home. Even on the weekends, you would sneak away to that new home you had made for yourself. After a week you had decided to stash camping gear and food in an airtight plastic tote just in case anything really bad were to happen at home that would cause you to run away.

     One thing you found odd about the abandoned house was that every day for a month an owl would fly in and out of the front door, leaving with an empty potato sack and returning with an ungodly amount of human trash. Although it was odd you never really questioned it, assuming the owl was just an intelligent creature building a nest.

     You sat on the decaying floorboards of the shack once more, reading a recently released novel by your favorite author, and like clockwork, there was a sound coming from one of the rooms down the hall. It was like a door opening that piqued your curiosity, but you were spooked by the small owl rushing out the door with an empty bag dangling from its claws.

     "Ok, It's about time I checked that out." You whispered, rising to your feet. A satchel thumbed to your side with supplies that your paranoid self felt were necessary to carry at all times. Taking careful steps towards the sound, there was a strange energy that could be felt in the air the further you walked into the cabin. After turning a corner you were met with a large door placed oddly in the middle of the room. The area itself was full of mold and decay while the door was pristine with not a spot of dirt anywhere on it.

     The door was alluring with its intricate framework and large yellow eye that seemed to pierce into your soul. A voice in the back of your mind told you to run as far as your legs could carry you in the opposite direction, but your curious heart said to press forward in hopes of an adventure. With slow hands you reached for the doorknob that was right under the eye and turned it, pushing the door forward with closed eyes entering into a new world of possibility.

     A blinding light seeped through your eyelids as you walked through the door. Great amounts of energy washed over you once through which caused a sickening feeling to come to your stomach, but once through the ill-feeling subsided. You were met with an older woman rummaging through a huge bag in the middle of a large tatured tent filled with trash. Her back was turned to you which gave a split-second opportunity to hide. You looked over to the edge of the tent which was lifted slightly to give a quick exit. Rushing for the corner you were interrupted. 

     "Stop right there kid." A voice directed. You swirled around to face the voice, pulling out a pocket knife do to habit and for some sort of weapon. The voice came from the woman that was previously rummaging through trash. She was an older lady, who was surprisingly foxy for her age, with long gray hair and a singular sharp tooth that poked out on the right side of her mouth. The other thing that caught your attention was her pointed ears that stuck out from under her hair. The lady wore a raggedy red dress with tall heeled boots, a yellow oval jewel also shined in the center of her chest. 

     "Wow there kiddo. Put the knife away before someone gets hurt." Said the lady, putting her hands up before quickly waving a finger in the air which caused a yellow glowing circle to appear. Your eyes widened with awe at the magic in front of you before realizing the knife had disappeared from your hand. In order to replace the knife, you balled your fist and stood in a fighting position.

     "Listen, lady, I don't want any troub-" You stared. However, before you could get another word out a stern and demanding voice boomed outside the tent.

     "Eda the Owl Lady, come out with your hands up. The emperors coven has you surrounded." Your head whipped around to the entrance of the tent hoping to make out who made those demands. With a glance back to the lady you noticed she had a slim staff that held a carved owl at the top now in her hands that she didn't have before. The owl looked similar to the one that flew through that old shack you claimed as your own but you told yourself they weren't related. Looking for the door you had originally come through, hoping to make an escape, you realized where the door was before, now lied a briefcase.

     Panic ran through your body as reality hit you like a freight train. The way back home was, as far as you knew, gone. With that new development panic was replaced with hope for survival. Gripping your bag's shoulder strap tight you started to charge for the tent flap into a new world of possible danger. You were stopped before you could make your way through, a hand gripped your shoulder to pull you back.

     "Slow down there kido. Rushing out there won't do you any good, follow me." The lady said, pointing to an exit at the back of the now empty tent. Her voice was kind in the way that made you feel like you could trust her to point you down the right path. The woman you assumed was named Eda had a sack wrapped around the top of her staff right under the wood carved owl. With this new feeling of comfort you followed where she was pointing and heard her stepping close behind as you both ran out the back of the tent.

     As the two of you ran down the street people started to stare while others dressed in white and bird masks chased after you both. Your legs started to grow sore the further you ran. All of the sudden you were pulled close and seated on a floating staff being held in the air by the owl. Only moments later you were looking down on the city of unknown creatures as the wind rushed past you and into your eyes, which made them water. Looking behind you, you found Eda smiling at her brilliant escape. You couldn't help when a smile of your own appeared.

     A sudden thought came to mind as you flew above this new world you were in. Even if I can get home do I really want to? I think I'll stay a while if this woman will let me. I have a feeling I would like it here. Your thought was interrupted when your feet hit the ground and you were facing a strange looking house. There was a large tower behind the main building while the home itself was oddly shaped. The one thing that caught your attention was the large pan glass eye window staring down at you.

     "What's your name kid?" Eda the Owl Lady asked, guiding you towards the house. Looking up at her you responded.

     "y/n. y/n l/n." You said arriving at the front door. An owl face was in the middle of the door but what caught you off guard was that it started talking.

     "Hoot hoot who's there?" Said the owl in the door. His voice was high pitched and in a way annoying, but you found him very interesting already. Eda walked up to him and jabbed two fingers into his eyes. The owl gave a yelp of pain which led Eda to answer his question.

     "Hooty you know it's me. Open up. We have a new friend to welcome."

Word Count : 1392

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