15: You Need Help

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(A/N: I'm just going to say, sorry for all the small time skips and long gaps between updates.)

"How did it go? We're not in trouble I hope." Hunter asked as you entered his room once again. Belos had dismissed you to go back to the room, with Kikimora to escort you. On the walk back you had contemplated what your next move would be to insure both Hunter and your safety.

On the one hand, you could tell him everything and run the risk of Belos finding out. Putting Hunter in danger of being killed for something you had done. Which would only cause you to feel extremely guilty.

On the other hand, you could lie like a dog. Keeping Hunter in the dark would insure his safety, at least from your actions, and only leave you feeling somewhat guilty for the lies. Although the truth would eventually come forth, you couldn't allow it to surface just yet.

So you decided to go for the middle option. The one that wasn't on either hand but was instead in your heart. Your plan would be to tell half truths about what was told to you for now, but as soon as you were capable the two of you would run from the coven life. You weren't sure if Hunter would leave so easily, but you hoped that revealing Belos's true nature would convince him to leave with you.

"It went fine. He just wanted to ensure my training was going to be carried out. That and to make sure I understood the consequences of disobeying orders. " You informed him. Not wanting to completely lie to him, you gave him the half truth like you had planned to tell him. Hunter was still laying on the bed with his book when you had gotten back but had gotten up to greet you, and take the collar back off from where you were wearing it to see Emperor Belos.

"Well your training will continue tomorrow at approximately the same time as it was today. Assuming this gash doesn't open back up during the night." He had told you after taking the shock collar off your neck and put it back in the box from before. As he stood up you could see him wince from the pain at his side. You gave him a look of concern as you walked forward. The boy turned as you moved and he looked at you confused as you leaned down slightly.

"Hey what are you- ow." Hunter yelped as you swiftly lifted his shirt and pressed on the bandages wrapped around the wound. Blood was starting to soak through the cloth which made you more concerned then before. As you took your hand away from his side you saw that his blood was on your fingertips and you knew something had to be done about it tonight.

"I think we should go to Nurse Lily. That gash on your side is probably going to need stitches." You informed him before casually lowering his shirt back down and grabbing a damp rag, that was used earlier, from the night stand to wipe off the blood. Realizing that you had just casually lifted Hunter's shirt without even asking, caused a slight blush to come to your face. You decided to distract yourself with a nearby mirror in hopes to avoid thinking about it too much. With a quick glance at your reflection you realized your hair was a disaster and quickly reached for the brush that was still in the welcome box Nurse Lily had given to you.

"She'll probably be leaving her office shortly. We wouldn't be able to catch her so let's just wait till morning." Hunter argued and tried to go back to the comfort of his bed. With a quick comb through your hair, you threw the brush back into the box and quickly stopped him from laying back down.

"Oh no you don't. We're going. Now." You said sternly before grabbing his nearby cloak and threw it at him. He caught it easily but not well enough to avoid the shoes that clocked him on the forehead and fell into his arms. "I don't want you bleeding out in the middle of the night. So hurry up so we can catch Nurse Lily." You added before picking up his mask and holding it out to him. He was putting on his last boot when you turned around which you found impressive considering it took forever to tie your shoe laces. Hunter snagged the mask from your hand and placed it carefully onto his face before picking up his staff that was at the door.

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