Chapter 11: The Training Room

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The two of you sat quietly for the rest of breakfast and the entire walk to the training room. Hunter had replaced his mask as soon as he had finished eating and refused to speak to you until after you had made it to the training room. He pushed open the tall doors of the room and you were met with a will lit interior.

Instead of having windows, torches were placed all across the walls of the room amongst the plethora of weapons that piqued your interest. One, in particular, consisted of two blades, welded to thick chains that wrap around the wrist of the user. It was obvious from the sigils and colors that inked the steel, that the blades are imbued with fire magic. They could be thrown around by the chains or held for hand-to-hand combat in tighter situations. Although they aren't the ideal weapon for most, you had a feeling they would fit your fighting style perfectly if you were ever given the chance to use them. The rest of the room was completely open other than some training dummies piled in the corner.

"Emperor Belos ordered for this room to be cleared for today. So we have the room all to ourselves." Hunter said while the door closing behind him and walking to the middle of the room to start stretching . At that moment you took your eyes away from the weapon that looked like Kratos's Blades of Chaos. You walked over to Hunter and found yourself trying your best to mimic the stretches he was doing himself.

"Shit." Hunter blurted out while suddenly doing a pat-down to find something. He spun a little as he did which only made the thought from that morning pop back into your mind.

He's awfully cute for such an awkward boy.

"There it is." He said triumphantly while swirling the glass vile in his hand. It was the titan's blood. You crossed your arms and glared at the blue liquid. Hunter looked up at you and moved towards you, only causing you to take the same amount of steps back from him in response.

"Oh come on. I thought we had gotten past this part. I have powers now see." You said while letting a flame come to the palm of your hand. Concentrating on keeping it in a cipher you started to bounce it back and forth between your hands. However, your focus was diverted back to Hunter causing the ball of fire to land directly in your palm.

"Ow!" You yelped before letting the ball fall to the ground. Thinking quickly, you stomped out the flames until only a scorch mark was left on the padded training room floor. And light burns on the palms of your hands.

"Oops." You said with a sheepish smile appearing on your face as you rubbed the back of your neck. Hunter moved forward again and took one of your hands in his before pointing to your palm with the other hand that held the titan's blood.

"This is why you need it. It's going to help you not hurt yourself with your own magic." He said with a stern tone to his voice. You yanked your hand away from him and started rubbing the burn lightly.

"You don't know that for certain. I'm just your little experiment." You shot back with your own firm tone. Hunter squared his shoulders before letting out a sigh of defeat. Slowly, he lifted his mask off and made direct eye contact with you. His eyes held a sincere look in them with a slight flare of determination.

"Let's make a deal. If I can keep you pinned for three seconds, you'll drink the titan's blood willingly." Hunter stated, placing the vile back into his cloak. You placed your hands on your hips and gave him a confident response.

"Alright. And when I ineffably win, you'll take me flying on that palisman of yours." You wagered with a cocky smirk. "And you'll just have to fight me later on the titan's blood." You added. Hunter gave you a devilish smile that made your face heat up a little.

That's definitely because I hate his cocky personality. Right? Ya... Totally.

"Alright then. Let's get started." He said, sliding his mask back down over his face. You thought he would give you at least a second to get in a fighting stance but you thought wrong. Hunter immediately dropped to the floor and kicked your legs out from under you, causing you to lose your breath as you hit the ground. But before he could pin you down, you rolled to the left and jumped up.

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