Chapter 14: The Emperor's Call

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(A.N: Ok I couldn't help but make a meme out of the ending scene so I'll leave a link to the TikTok in my announcements. Also SPOILERS for season two. Although I'm not sure if it's really a spoiler unless you read the one part and understand the reference but oh well. Enjoy!)

     The sun was beginning to sit over the Boiling Isles and its residence, but the palace was still bustling with energy. Guards still romed the halls of the fortress while Hunter and you had decided to go ahead and ignore everything for the night. He was into rough a shape to do any more training and you were to frustrated to be trusted to train with someone else.

     "Are you sure you're alright?" You asked Hunter. The boy was laying on the bed reading a book on wild magic only occasionally looking up from it's pages to see what you were doing. However everytime he had looked up he found you watching him carefully from the other side of the bed. Even with a new mattress and bed sheets having been brought up for the spare bed, you didn't feel like putting it together and opted to just stay on Hunter's bed to watch after him.

     "Like I said the last twenty times you asked me, I'm fine." Hunter replied exhausted after flopping his book down into his lap and turning his head to look at you. Squaring your shoulders you gave him a stern look.

     "You said Belos had a good reason for what he did. Mind sharing what that might be before I go down there and ask him myself?" You asked. Hunter hadn't elaborated on what had happened but you also didn't think to ask until just then.

     "I spoke out of turn." He responded before returning to his book. You felt your blood start to heat up in your vains, but to avoid causing a fire you evened out your breathing to try and calm yourself.

     "That's the stupidest shit I've ever-" You were then inturupted when a knock came from the door. Hunter sat up and laid the book down on the bed. You turned your head to the door before hoping off the mattrest to open it before Hunter could decide he was gonna try and get the door. You quickly snapped the shock collar back on your neck as you swung the door open to see Kikimora.

     "What are you doing here?" You asked with a flat tone. The last time you saw her, she had sent Hunter to Emperor Belos who ended up hurting him. However you didn't want to give away any since of anger in case that lead to her doing something stupid.

     "y/n, I was expecting The Golden Guard-"  Kikimora begain, but was inturupted.

     "I'm right here Kiki. What is it?" Hunter had interjected as he appeared at your side. You looked at him and was surprised to see that he was fully dressed once again. He could get dressed fast even if he was in a great deal of pain. Hunters face was hidden behind his mask but you had a feeling his expression was conveying his discomfort.

     "Emperor Belos sent me to deliver your dinner. He said you would need someone to bring it up to you." Kikimora had explained before stepping to the side to reveille a cart holding a tray of food. You were confused as to why you hadn't seen it before, especially with Kikimora being as short as she was. Examining the cart you realized there was only one meal on the tray.

     "Emperor Belos also instructed me to take y/n to the dining hall for them to eat. Afterward, he does wish to speak to them privately." Kikimora added before either of you could ask about your food. You could feel Hunter's discomfort with the idea of you leaving his sight but he could not argue with the emperor. However, you were just as uncomfortable with the idea. 

     "Very well." Hunter replies with a nod before taking the plate of food brought for him and taking it to his bed to eat. You looked down at Kikimora who waved a hand as she began to leave.

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