Chapter 16: Scares 2.0

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(A/N: Hunter is 6"1' in this fic ok? Just want to establish that. If anyone has a cannon high I would love to know. But for now I'm writing from the perspective of  a 5"5' individual.)

     The two of you made it halfway up the spiral stair that led to the room with minimum grumbling from Hunter, but you couldn't help feeling bad for him. As he continued to push himself forward at a fast pace you tried to hold him back ever so slightly in order to keep him from hurting himself.  However, he started to fight against your slowness which caused you to speak up.

     "There's no need to rush, Hunter. We have time so we might as well-" you begin, but were stopped when the boy, who had been so dependent on your support, suddenly pushed away from you with such force that you thought the two of you would fall down the stairs.

     "Pick up your feet. We don't have all night. Tomorrow we're starting training early since you decided to pull this little stunt." Hunter stated as he started to stumble before catching himself on the stone wall.

      "I think the fuck not." You said as you forced his arm back over your shoulders and placed a gentle arm back around his waist. The bag Nurse Lily had given you dangled heavily on your right shoulder which helped slightly with the balance issue. "You're hurt and don't need to be pushing yourself. Tomorrow we're going to have to find something else to work on that's not going to involve you straining yourself." You stated sturnly before realizing the two of you had made it back to the room safely.

     "I'm the one who's supposed to be keeping you in line. And when I say we're training tomorrow I mean it." He said before removing himself once more from your shoulder and opened the door in order to stumble in with you following closely behind. His bitterness was starting to irritate you more and more which caused you to snap. Shutting the door and tossing the bag of clothes to the foot of the bed, you pointed a finger at Hunter who was standing at his dresser taking off his mask. 

     "Listen, you can try bossing me around all you want, but I'm going to win this argument. You need to take it easy. For titans sake I'm begging you to just rest for one day in order for your wound to at least heal enough for you to move without being in excruciating pain!" You hadn't realized the elevation in your voice, or that Hunter was beginning to stalk over to you with a grimace on his face. As he approached,  you felt yourself taking several steps back until your back was against the door which you then kind of regretted closing.

     Hunter lifted his arm to rest evenly with your head. While his breathing was heavy, he tried to level it out in order to seem more composed. However, something about the whole situation caused a slight blush to come to your face while less than appropriate thoughts fluttered through your mind.

     "I'm the one in charge. Got it?" Hunter questioned as his face met level with yours, leaving only a few inches between the two of you. With the mask gone you could see the stern look on Hunter's face. Your chest felt tight as you tried to keep a steady breathing pattern.

     Hunter's demeanor began to shake the longer he stood there which gave you a moment of courage. You placed your hands on his shoulders and pushed him back from you before moving swiftly to the side. The thought of reversing the roles and pushing him to the door came to mind but you decided against it.

     "Keep telling yourself that, handsome." You said as you took your hands off his shoulders and turned to the potato sack that laid at the foot of the bed. Pulling on the draw stings you started to rummage through the cloth that laid inside. You could hear Hunter's grumbling behind you at the dresser once he had recovered from your action. Knowing your attention was on the bag he decided to go ahead into the bathroom in order to change for bed.

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