Chapter 7 : The healer's guide to happiness

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As you followed The Golden Guard through the halls of the palace you realized how large and winding the building's interior was. The corridors bustled with guards as they made their way to different parts of the castle. You couldn't help but let your eyes wander while your steps stayed in line with your escort. There was much to take note of and explore but knowing you couldn't go off on a search for something exciting to do bumbed you out.

"Come along y/n." The Golden Guard said bring you back to where you were meant to be. You realized you had fallen behind, so in order to catch up, you sprinted forward to stand at his side. The two of you walked in silence as your gaze continued to search the halls. You couldn't help but notice in passing, other guards would give a solution to the man beside you then promptly go back to what they were doing once the two of you advanced through the corridor.

"So the people here respect you quite a lot, hm?" You asked when the two of you were in a quieter part of the castle and coming up to what you believed to be the healers room. Goldie didn't look at you but still answered your question with a smooth tone.

"Yes, they do. I'm their superior so of course, they acknowledge my authority." He said before tapping the door in front of you with his palisman. It was a tall dark wooden door with gold vines engraved on the exterior. The carvings ran along the edge of the door then converged around a plate of gold, labeled with elegant lettering. Leaning forward you read the words on the plate, Nurse Lily. The door opened a moment later causing you to jump back not realizing how close you were standing to the door.

In the doorway was a considerably tall individual. You estimated they stood around 8 feet tall but even with the door being tall, they were leaning down to see through the door so you couldn't get an accurate measurement. They had animalistic features to their face but they still had the ability to show expression. They looked similar to that of a phoenix fox with her large ears and wide eyes. Large circular glasses sat on her face which looked odd with her human-like hair cut when you couldn't see how the glasses stayed secure to her face.

"Hello there. I had a feeling you would be by sooner rather than later. Please please come in." The woman said with a friendly tone while beckoning for you to come in. The Golden Guard stepped forward and into the room knowing you would follow. Entering the room your eyes adjusted to the dim lighting to take in your surroundings.

The room had a high ceiling to accommodate the height of its workers while the room itself was only large enough to fit the essentials of a healer. The far wall facing the door was lined with shelves stuffed with numerous glass bottles with various liquids that all shimmered in the candlelight. Candles lit the room from iron stands placed in various places in the room to aid those who required light to see. Although the room wasn't as brightly lit as the halls, it was still brighter than the throne room.

Looking to the left you saw a desk that was surely too small for the tall lady to sit comfortably. Directly behind the desk were numerous drawers and even more shelves packed with even more liquids.

To your right, you noticed five beds lining the wall for patients that would need to stay for extended treatment. Two of the beds were occupied by patients, one guard laid on the first bed closest to the door with a broken leg and grumbled about the paperwork that lay on her lap that she had to do, while the other patient was sleeping peacefully a few beds up from her.

The tall lady took us to the desk placed on the left side of the room facing toward the beds. She leaned on the desk, with a smile on her face, instead of taking a seat in the chair, only adding to her more friendly diameter.

"So what are you in for sweet pea?" She asked disregarding The Golden Guard, who stood beside you, to make direct eye contact with you instead. You shuffled slightly before Goldie answered for you which you could tell erced the healer.

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