Chapter 10: Cafeteria table

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     You were woken up by a loud crash that raddled the room, causing you to bolt upright with a balled fist ready to fight. There was a tired groan that could be heard on the opposite side of the bed, but when you looked to where Hunter was supposed to be, he wasn't there. You leaned over his side of the bed, after glancing about the room and not seeing him, only to find that he had fallen off the bed.

     "You ok down there?" You asked, sitting up in bed but still looking down at the boy laying on the ground. As Hunter lifted himself up he let out another groan and adjusted his mask to make sure it was still on properly.

     "I'm fine." He said. Hunter quickly got up from the floor and started to gather his things for the day. Still a bit tired from the pills you had taken you decided to lay back down in hopes to get a few more Z's in. But your plan was short lived when you were hit in the face with a wad of cloth.

     "Get dressed. We're late." Hunter said, slightly frantic. You sat up and glared at him but your face instantly turned a deep red when you realized he didn't even go to the bathroom before changing. He had his back turned to you with his shirt off but you couldn't help but bury your face in the clothes that Hunter had thrown at you and ran for the bathroom.

     You slammed the door behind you and leaned against it as a barricade. As if he was gonna try and walk in. Taking in a few deep breaths to calm yourself you tried to get Hunter out of your mind. Right as you calmed down a knock came to the door.

     "Are you alright in there?" Hunter asked. His voice was coming directly from behind the door and the image from earlier came back to the forefront of your mind.

     "I'm fine!" You shouted, your face turning red again. You didn't mean to shout and you hoped it didn't cause Hunter to worry more. A moment later footsteps could be heard walking away from the door.

     Ok. Now I can get dressed. You thought before unfolding the clothes and taking a look at them. After further inspection you realized the outfit was the same as the normal guards that roamed the halls of the palace.

      "You have to be kidding me." You said. You walked out of the bathroom to find Hunter now fully dressed and ready to start the day of training that was ahead of you.

     "What is this? I'm not wearing these wack ass pants you make every other loon wear in this place." You stated throwing the pants into his masked face. He let the fabric fall to the ground before letting out an aggravated sigh and pulled out a pair of pants from his own dresser.

     "Here. These should fit. But hurry up! I doesn't like to be kept waiting." Hunter said before throwing the pants at you. You caught them for once instead of letting the cloth hit your face for a second time that day.

     "Thanks." You said before going back to the bathroom to change. The outfit felt odd since it wasn't your real size but it would have to do for now. The cloak was the only thing that fit, but it was really a one size fits all with those kinds of things.

     "Are you about done in there?" Hunter demanded, sounding more impatient than he did before. You walked out of the bathroom and found Hunter standing at the bedroom door taping his foot impatiently.

     "You're so impatient." You said while rubbing your hands through your hair to make you seem simi put together.

     "It would be a good idea to not piss me off first day in the coven. So come on." Hunter said, turning to open the door.

     "I'm NOT in your damn coven." You snapped back while crossing your arms and stopping in your tracks.

     "That's what you think." Hunter whispered under his breath. You continued to glare at him but he had already turned and walked out the door before he could notice. Lowering your arms you stood there for a moment thinking about if he was right.

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