Chapter 13: Scars

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     The cool water felt amazing on your burnt skin as it ran down your shoulders. Your internal body temperature was still elevated from the titans blood so you didn't bother turning the heat up in the shower too much. When the water hit your neck though you hissed. You hadn't expected for it to have any burns but there must've been if it hurt more than anywhere else. You decided to take a look at it after you had gotten out of the shower.

      The bar of soap you had grabbed was one of your favorite smells you had found on the Boiling Isles. So the fact that Nurse Lily had found it in a soap made you happy. Even if it made you long to be back at the Owl House. After several thorough scrub downs with the soap you decided to carve your initials into the bar to insure that Hunter wouldn't steal it. Not that you really thought he would. Looking at the shower wall you noticed a spot specifically to place your soap in order to keep it from being left on the floor.

     Although you didn't have anything to wash your hair with, you still scrubbed it to make sure that it was at least rinsed from all the sweat and dirt. It felt nice to have a moment to yourself but you remembered that Hunter could be back any moment and decided to hurry along with your shower.

     After another five minute you finally turned off the water and grabbed the towl you had layed outside the shower. You wrapped your hair in the cloth to get most of the moister out of it then patted yourself dry before placing the towl around your body. You applied some deodorant and walked over to the door to pick up the dirty clothes you planned to put back on but stopped momentarily to look in the mirror.

     Around your neck there were four round burns all placed parallel to one another making sure to get both the back and sides of your neck. Small lines streaked from them almost as if they where caused by bolts of lightning. A memory came to mind as you thought about it more and come to the conclusion that it was caused by the shock in the cell that made you pass out.

     "That was a nasty shock. Hopefully I can keep that collar off for a while." You said to yourself before hunging your towel up on a hook near the shower to change.

      Not having any other clothes to change into you decided to go ahead and throw on your dirty clothes again. You decided to leave your cloak and shoes off for the time being as to allow yourself to relax. But you did make a mintal note to ask Nurse Lily if she could get you a few change of clothes.

     Once dressed you walk out of the room, you turned on the light and placing the deodorant back into the basket under the bed. A few droplets of water landing on the floor from your hair. Standing back up you looked around and realized you had nothing to do. So you decided to snoop through some of Hunters things. The first thing you went through was a box placed on his nightstand. Like playing a game of janga you used precise hands to pull the box away from the rest of his stuff, not wanting to tip over the other stacks of papers on the table.

     The first thing you noticed was the Healers Coven sigil, engraved into the dark stained wood. On the back of box it was painted blue like the convenes actual sigil was and was apoxed over to insure it wouldn't chip away easily. You lifted the lid and took a closer look at what laid inside. On top was the ointment Hunter had applied to your back the night before. Looking deeper there was a variety of healing iteams. All the supplies looked like primitive versions of what were in the human realm. There were a variety of bandaides, guaze, tweezers, scissors, elastic bandages, and typical things you would find in a first aid kit. Plus a few magical looking items you hadn't seen used before.

     That's odd. Why does he have this in here? Couldn't he just go to Nurse Lily? You thought to yourself. But before you could go through the box any more, there was a knock at the door. Startled, you rushed and put the box back on the nightstand and put a few papers on top to make it look like you never touched it.

     "Come in." You said after siting yourself back on the bed. Hunter opened the door, but you hadnt expected him to come in stumbling and holding his left side. You jumped from the bed and rushed over to support him. To which he reluctantly took when you pulled his free arm over your shoulder.

     "What happned?" You asked leading him to the bed ,after shutting the door, and siting him down. Hunter let out a grunt as he sat on the bed. He took his hand away from his side to revel a gash the was starting to bleed a bit faster.  You acted quickly and pulled the box you had just tried to hide back out to tend to his wound.

     "It's nothing I'm fine I swear." He said gruffly as you took off his mask and started to unpin his cloak to get to the wound properly. Hunter waved you away so he could take off his shirt so instead you knelt down in front of him and started rummaging through the wooden box.

     "I'm fine y/n please." Hunter protested, causing you to look up at him with a stern look. However, your gaze softened once you took a closer look at him. Scattered all across his torso were a variety of scars. Some were newer and just beginning to scar, whereas others looked quite a bit older. The oldest ones looked to be right under his pectorals. You've seen top surgery scars before but were still angry from all the other markings that covered his skin.

     "It was Belos wasn't it." You stood up quickly, your eyebrows knit together as you began pacing the room. Hunter let out a painful hiss as he began to clean the gash at his side. You didn't know why it angered you to see him in such pain, but it did. You immediately began putting on your boots that you had gotten earlier that day with the guard uniform. With that done you started to head for the door.

     "I'm gonna go down there and give that slimy no good sorry ass-" You were cut off when a hand was wrapped around your forearm. You turned around quickly and saw Hunter. His expression was one you wouldn't have expected to see on anyone in the palace let alone him. Hunter looked fearful.

     "y/n please, don't leave. My uncle had a good reason." He pleaded. You didn't notice before but as you focused on it more, you realized that Hunter's hands were shaking. His grip was loose on your arm but you felt a pull to stay with him. You walked closer to him and took his hand off your arm to hold it. Giving it a light squeeze you gave him a nod.

     "Alright. I won't do anything."  for now. You thought the last part to yourself but didn't want to upset Hunter any further.  Taking out what looked to be a cleaning paste you started to apply it to the wound. Hunter had already taken a rag and mopped up the blood to allow for his wound to be cleaned. You wiped the ointment off  your hand with the bloody rag and began to unravel some gauze and elastic tape.

     "y/n." Hunter said, pulling your focus off the bandages and back to him.

     "Yes?" You replayed. Still holding a thick layer of gauze on the wound.

     "How did you know where this was?" He asked with suspicious eyes as he gestured towards the box. You let out a nervous chuckle.

     "I- noticed it earlier?" You lied while putting your attention back on the bandage to start securing it properly.

     "You're an awful lyer." Hunter chuckled. It was followed by a grunt as you pushed on his wound.

     "I know. Now hold still so I can help." You demanded.

Word Count: 1424

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