Chapter 5 : Treatment

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     It had been two weeks since you were captured and thrown into the conformatorium. With no signs of Eda, the days continued to be long and uneventful, except for when the Golden Guard would make his daily visit for treatment and to bring a small portion of food. He would come down once a day to administer your treatment and to see if there were any results. To everyone's disappointment, there were still no signs of you attaining magic.

     With each passing day, the treatment only made your body feel worse and showed no signs of getting better. When you had first arrived, you were healthy and able to fight back, but as time went on your ability to resist the torture depleted. Although you would still verbally harass Goldie about having to drink the red liquid, Golden Guard managed easily in forcing you to take it.

     Every two days the blood downer would be switched. Goldie was kind enough to tell you who you were drinking from, but soon the names just blurred together. The one name you remembered was Lilith which pissed you off more than you were willing to admit aloud.

     You sat on the bed of your cell with your back pressed against the break wall. Like clockwork, loud footsteps echoed through the stone walls as they made their way to your cell. Appearing at the barred door was The Golden Guard, the door keys already dangling in hand. As he walked into your cell he greeted you warmly.

     "Hello, my little imp," Goldie said while walking closer. A low growl came from your throat as he sat on the edge of your bed. He knew that you couldn't put up much of a physical fight so he pushed your boundaries hoping to get something out of you.

     "Don't call me that." You stated firmly. Pushing a leg out you tried to force him off the mattress but only moved him a few inches. He chuckled at your sorry attempt at moving him before pulling out a recognizable glass vile from a pocket in his jacket. The liquid inside was unlike what you had seen before, and unlike the usual blood, this liquid was a deep sapphire blue and looked more like serape.

     "Oh great, we're on to something new." You said sarcastically. You noticed the chain laid across Goldie's lap which led you to think about how the metal could be used to choke him and get the keys.

     "Emperor Belos wishes to try something ... different." He said snapping you out of your fantasy and back to the present.

     "What for?" You pried, hoping to get some sort of information. Although there was no use for that information in your current state, you could still store it for later. He looked at you as if wondering if he should inform you or not. But it was obvious he came to the same conclusion of you can't use the information - just yet. Goldie let out a deep sigh as he stood to explain, already starting to pace the confined room swirling the container of blood in his hand.

     "The supply of Titans blood is getting uncomfortably low. Emperor Belos is expecting this new treatment to cause the Titans blood to infuse with yours and make you a new source of the blood. Even if it doesn't have all the same magical properties it should be close enough." The Golden Guard informed you. As always, hearing the Emperor's plans made you feel sick. Both because you no longer had bodily autonomy and because you weren't hearing the full extent of the plan. You slid closer to the edge of the bed and rested your head on your hands that were propped up on your knees.

     "What does he need this 'Titans blood' for?" You asked, putting quotes around the words Titans blood. The Golden Guard stopped and turned back to you. A threatening aura slowly radiating from him. Automatically you knew what was about to happen but didn't even think about fighting it. You were too tired to fight back or really move for that matter.

     "You ask too many questions." He said, stepping forward swiftly and used one hand to grab the chains dangling from your wrist. You were quickly restrained to where even if you were strong enough to fight back you couldn't. Somewhere in your mind, you thought perhaps the new blood wouldn't taste as bad. However, it was so much worse. It had the taste of rotting flesh and the consistency of a blood clot. You reluctantly swallowed believing it would get the flavor from your mouth sooner, but the aftertaste was only that much worse.

     The moment the bottle was empty, the Golden Guard got off you in order for you to recover. You gagged and held your throat as the liquid burned its way down to your stomach where it only hurt more. It felt as if your insides were burning while your skin was frozen. You glared at the Golden Guard as he held the shock button in hand.

     "I'm not trying to take it off dumb ass. Just trying to cope with this god-awful tortoure."You let your eyes fall to the ground as another guard passed by to bring a single slice of bread and a small glass of water. Goldie took the "meal" from the new guard and waved them off.

     He handed you the glass of water which you drank with only a few sips. You handed him back the glass in exchange for the slice of bread. The taste was beginning to disperse but the burning and freezing feeling stayed strong. Goldie was turning to leave when you glared up at him.

     "I don't understand what you need any of this for, but I hope you never succeed in whatever this is." You growled as he walked out of the cell. He locked the door behind him but stopped to think about your statement.

     "It's unkind to wish ill fortune on others you know." He said placing the keys back in his pocket and standing tall with his hands behind his back.

     "Like all you've been is kind to me." You hissed back. He had nothing else to say. The two of you knew this was wrong even if he was being forced to do it. He left without saying a word and you let him. There was no use in throwing a hateful statement at him even if you were known for just that.

     You curled up on the small deflated mattress and looked at the thick bands around your wrist. They were just ordinary metal cuffs with no magic imbued in them. The reason you knew they had no magic was because of a listen Eda had taught you about detecting it. You laid there in the silence thinking about Eda and what she must've been doing for those two weeks. A sad feeling came over you at the thought about how Eda must've given up on searching for a way to get you out. That awful thought stayed with you until your eyes fell shut and sleep took you.

      You were actually able to fall asleep that night after you had stayed up the previous two nights. The dream was peaceful but no matter how enjoyable it was, the next morning would be hell.

      Sharp pains were shooting through your chest almost as if you were being stabbed with multiple blades at once. It also felt as if your bones had turned to jelly and the marrow inside was replaced with hellfire. You hissed through the pain as you thought about how to get The Golden Guard.

     An idea came to mind and you took it. Even though you were in excruciating pain, you managed to get off the bed and crawl over to the barred door. Swinging your legs to where you could rattle the cage you started to kick them, even if it didn't feel like it. The metal bares raddled against each other and a guard quickly appeared at the sound of the recuse.

     "Stop that right now!" He yelled. You stopped and winced as you spoke.

      "Get the Golden Guard. Now." You growled. The chains jingling as you propped yourself up to seem more intimidating. The guard just laughed and started to walk off.

      "Like you tell me what to do." He said. Along with being in great pain, you were now extremely pissed off. You felt like death as you were then put in more pain as your blood boiled.

      "Go get him. Now!" Your yell echoed through the halls as thin flames danced around your arms. The guard stepped back before running down the hall shouting at the other guards. You looked down at your arms to see that the cluster of flames were growing in both size and numbers. The heat was no longer in your body but instead was in the flames that surrounded you. They were warm and comforting on your still cold skin. But every now and then a strand of fire got too close and would burn your skin. Your eyes grew wide in shock and in panic.

      "Oh no no no no no." You stamured waving your arms around hoping to snuff out the fire. The flames continued to grow as your emotional state heightened. Without warning an excruciating pain radiated from your neck that caused you to immediately pass out.

Word Count : 1585

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