Chapter 9: Spicy Dreams

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(A.N: First off, get your mind out of the gutter when you first read that title! I'm bad with chapter names so most of the time I just pull them out of thin air. Nothing ✨spicy✨ is going down. Second, just a quick thanks to everyone for leaving such kind comments. Y'all are a great bunch and I love reading what y'all have to say. Thank you for helping me stay motivated and keep writing this fic. I hope this chapter doesn't disappoint.)

You tossed in your sleep as the night went on and your dreams grew restless. "Where am I? What's going on?" You shouted into the pitch black your subconscious had thrown you into. The cold bit at your skin as you stood to walk through the inky blackness of your mind. Not wanting to be vulnerable in the pitch you put your hand out and let the flames crawl up your arm. Channeling the panic that was starting to build from the fear of the unknown, into the palm of your hand. The flames were dim but it was still enough light to make you feel more in control of the situation at hand. Looking at the ground you could only see your reflection looking back at you. The ground was a dark liquid that flowed over the surface of your toes and glued you to your spot. You looked back up and held your only source of light up high above your head.

"Hello?" You called out, only receiving an echo in response. Not knowing what else to do you slowly started to walk forward. The ground tried its best to hold onto your foot with each step you took but you would simply yank your foot from its grip and continue on. This is one odd place. I wonder if there's an exit? You thought to yourself. At that moment a glow began to radiate from behind you, drawing your attention to it.

"What the hell." You stated in disbelief while throwing your hand down to your side, letting the flame go out with it. What stood in front of you steered up several different emotions.

It was Eda's portal door.

You struggled to walk forward but made it to the door. Without a second thought you pushed the door open to reveal what laid behind it. A blinding light came forward to swallow you, quickly replacing the pitch black from before, and soon dissipated to show the owl house. It looked the same as the day you left it. A home sick feeling came to you as you took in the place you called home. Suddenly you where knocked out of your thoughts by someone running past you and towards the door of the owl house.

She had short dark hair and tan skin. She wore a tank top hoodie that was half purple on top and the bottom half white. You noticed she also wore high rise jean shorts and leggings which complemented her hoodie very nicely.

A look of confusion came to your face as you saw Eda appear and start to talk to the girl. She was obviously human, not only did her clothes gave it away, but her ears were round like your own.

"Luz, I have to go into the market to grab a few things. I need you to watch over the house while I'm out." Eda said, throwing a cloak on as she spoke. You turned your attention back to the girl who stood up straight and saluted Eda as if she were the girls drill sergeant.

"No problem Eda. You can count on me." She said before running through the door and slamming it behind her. Eda let out a sigh which prompted Hooty to start up a conversation.

"What's wrong Eda? Did Owlbert forget how to fly?" He asked while stretching his neck to be closer to where Eda stood.

"No you bird brain. I'm just worried about y/n. I haven't had time to find them since Luz came here and I'm sure y/n is waiting for us to come and save her." Eda addmeted. She looked disappointed in herself when she realized how true her words were. Even though Eda knew where you were bing kept, she couldn't just walk in and take you back. Especially now that she had another human to look after.

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