Chapter 4

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Was Katya scared? She sure as hell was.

"Just like the marks on Cami's back," said Davina once she and a younger male (apparently Kol Mikaelson) had examined her spine.

"Glad to know I can't wear a bikini until this goes away," said Katya. She'd been inclined to say something more inappropriate, like 'glad to know I can't do doggystyle while this is there' but since Davina was still underage, she felt it would be quite wrong to say that.

"This is definitely Esther's doing," said Cami. "According to my uncle's files, they're part of this ancient spell, and I don't know about you guys, but when I see 'ancient' and 'spell' in the same sentence, I think Esther."

"That's Mum's work, all right," confirmed Kol. "She must have wiped your memory."

Cami gave a dry laugh, looking over at Klaus's unconscious body, which Katya had not even bothered to ask about. "Not the first time that's been done by a member of this family. What does it mean?"

"It's a byproduct of a..." Kol hesitated a bit. "Preparation spell."

Davina frowned. "Preparation for what?"

"To make them vessels," said Kol.

Katya made a face. "Vessels? She's turning us into boats?"

"No," said Marcel, who'd been silent up until then. "He means Esther prepared your bodies for someone to jump into."

"Likely herself," said Kol. "I mean, knowing Mother."

"That's just weird," said Katya. "Where's um... where's Finn? He might know. And he might be willing to tell me."

"I don't reckon you can trust my brother," said Kol a bit coldly. "But by all means..." he gestured to the next room.

Katya looked at the door leading to the ballroom, and gulped. She got to her feet, and Cami did as well, as if to accompany her, but Marcel got in their way.

"Think this through," he said. "Are you sure you two wanna talk to the guy? He could have been in on this."

"I don't know," said Katya. "I just... I don't think he did. He had me alone in my apartment, and he could have easily knocked me out, but he didn't."

"Well, you don't remember if he knocked you out."

"But the puncture wounds barely appeared today. Not yesterday. If they had appeared yesterday, I definitely would have suspected Finn. Please, just... can I see what he says?"

Marcel sighed. "Alright. But I'll wait in the doorway for you."

The two women didn't really get to argue against that. Katya gulped and started to walk. They found Finn, still in Vincent's body, hanging from a stairwell railing by the manacles that Katya had put on him the previous night. She had stopped in her tracks when he saw her, but Cami had continued onward, and gone right up to him to smack him in the face.

"Why us?" she demanded. "Out of everyone in this city? What did we ever do to you?"

Finn looked a bit confused, and spoke just to Cami. "Because you're perfect. Healthy, beautiful, smart, and alone. No one would question any personality changes. And, as I discovered from my sessions, Niklaus would never allow you to be harmed."

"What about me?" demanded Katya. "Why did your bitch mother choose me?"

Finn frowned. "What do you mean?"

She turned around, yanking up her shirt to show him the marks before facing him again. "Don't try to deny it."

He was even more confused. "Mother didn't... she didn't mention she would be choosing you."

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