Chapter 9

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Weddings were nice.

Katya sat close to the edge of the aisle, between Cami and Davina, who was on the other side of Josh (one of Marcel's vampires) and Aiden (one of the Crescent wolves).

"They have a whole orchestra," said Katya, still marveling at the decorations in the room. "This is all... so wow. If I ever get married, I want it to look something like this. Maybe less people though."

"If I get married, I want it all like this, with no people," said Cami playfully. "Can you imagine how soft that ribbon is? It looks almost too expensive to touch."

"Just wait til you see Hayley's dress," said Katya, peeking back at the end of the aisle. "So um, who's with the kid?"

"Klaus is holding her on the balcony, I think. She's sleeping. She'll be right up where her mom can see her, once she and Jackson tie the knot. Speaking of..." Cami smirked. "I heard you spent New Year's Eve with Finn."

She blushed. "So what if I did?"

"Well, did you two do the traditional kiss at midnight?"

"Of course not, that's ridiculous. We ate, we talked, we drank, and that was that."

"You do realize that if it had been anyone else that slapped those cursed manacles on him, they would have been dead, right?"

"Everyone's acting like Finn's asked me to marry him. He's just nicer than people give him credit for."

"You got the most stubborn guy to give his siblings a chance."

"A part of him wanted to do that before I spoke with him about it, so that's mostly due to his effort."

"Katya, the guy likes you. Accept it."

"If I accept it, then I have to accept certain feelings I don't want to deal with yet. If you admit that you and Klaus like each other, I'll accept what's happening with me and Finn."

Cami went red, and Katya smirked. "That's what I thought."

The orchestra in front of them began to play, and the guests all turned, seeing Hayley walking into the doorway. Everyone got to their feet, looking expectantly at the hybrid. She paused for a moment, clutching her hands tightly together and bowing her head to both sides of guests. She looked behind her as Jackson walked up, his hand slipping neatly into hers to walk her down the main aisle before each ascended on opposite staircases, meeting in the middle on the upper balcony, which had been turned into the altar.

"Please, be seated," said Mary, Jackson's grandmother, once the wolf and hybrid stood across from each other. The guests slowly lowered themselves back into their chairs, and she started, "We gather together as a community seeking peace, inspired by this couple standing before you. There was a time when werewolves saw themselves not as cursed, but blessed with connection to our most pure selves. And tonight, we honor that blessing with the long-awaited unification of the two Crescent bloodlines."

Using a wreath of baby's breath flowers, Mary bound Hayley and Jackson's wrists together. "In doing so, we choose to embrace Hayley's vampire nature. With this union, Hayley will share her unique gifts with her Pack."

The older woman placed a thin, lit candle into Hayley and Jackson's linked hands. "And now, your vows."

Jackson drew a deep breath. "I pledge to honor you and defend you and yours above all others."

"To share in blessings and burdens," continued Hayley. "To be your advocate, your champion."

"To be your comfort," followed Jackson, "your sanctuary, and for as long as we both shall live..."

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