Chapter 14

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Katya was scared to speak to him.

But she knew it had to be her. If it was any of his siblings, he might not respond well.

"Just hold it, and say 'Beregning tilbake' to see a projection of him. He'll appear to you as Vincent, since you don't yet know what he looks like."

She left the room, and Katya sighed, clutching the pendant tightly before saying the words, hoping she'd pronounced them correctly.

Finn appeared in front of her, looking a bit confused. "What's happening?" he asked. "Why— why was I in there?"

"According to Freya, Dahlia killed Vincent's body," she said quietly. "Thankfully, he was brought back, and is likely receiving a lengthy debriefing about what's been happening."

"Oh," he said. "So... I'll be here until a new body is found."

"Not exactly. There is an option that's ready."

Finn only just seemed to notice that they were in a hospital. "What happened to you?"

"Marcel was compelled to stop the spell," said Katya. "I'm guessing he had to feed on me to either kill me or accelerate my heartbeat too much for it to work. I'm okay, though. Your pendant protected me... kept me alive until the doctors were able to figure out how to fix me."

"This is my fault," he said. "I should have found another solution— one that didn't involve you. You could have been killed."

"But I wasn't, Finn. It's alright. It just leaves me having to be the bearer of bad news. Maybe you should sit down."

He tried to, but didn't seem to be able to feel the hospital bed beneath him. "I'll stand," he decided, making Katya let out an awkward laugh.

"Alright," she said, rubbing her hands together. "Your sister explained it to me. What happened was... Dahlia loved Esther more than she loved Freya. So, the weapon was faulty since the beginning. Esther's blood was needed. Since Davina ascended to the position of Regent, she was granted a massive amount of power. The kind that yields Resurrection Spells. Since you and Kol were both dead, they figured to bring you all back at once. Freya tried to modify the spell to bring both you and Kol back in the bodies you had, pre-becoming vampires. They used her blood, and the blood of your other siblings."

Finn seemed to know where this was going before she could finish. "It didn't work," he said. "They couldn't bring back the body."

"They brought back... another one," she said slowly. "One that you might not like as much."

"They resurrected my vampire body, didn't they? Mine and Kol's." He turned away. "Kol will not be able to control his bloodlust. He always struggled with it. After months of not dealing with that... he'll lose his mind."

"Finn, Kol will make the decision he wants to make. Freya's going to have Davina talk to him about that after you and I finish our conversation. You have a choice. You can either remain in the pendant until another solution is found... or you can enter your vampire body."

He held up his hands. "Both options are terrible. I don't want to wait to be alive, not when I'm just starting to feel at home again with my family, not when I have... you. But the idea of being in that body again... I don't want that."

"It might take awhile for you to make your choice, and that's okay," Katya said soothingly. "Whatever you decide is alright. The only one who gets to make this decision is you. Think about what you really want. Don't consider anyone or anything else. This is entirely up to you."

He rubbed his chin, shaking his head. Katya would have joked that he was going through a midlife crisis if she thought he would have responded well to it.

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