Chapter 15

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October 19, 2013

"I hate medical school."

"No you don't," said Finn, making a face at her from the other end of the couch, where the two lay, still in pajamas, watching television on a Saturday morning.

"Yes I do," she insisted. "I have so many assignments to complete, and only today and tomorrow to get them done. Maybe you should compel me to be smarter."

Finn rolled his eyes playfully. "One, you are on vervain. Two, we agreed there would be no compulsion. Three, you are already intelligent— that sort of thing cannot be forced onto another via compulsion. And four—"

"Alright, I get it," she said, sliding her body further down and lightly nudging him in the abdomen with her foot. "I can't wait to get to the clinical phase. Two more years..."

"You'll do just fine, don't worry. You already got your white robe—"

"White coat, Finn—"

"Yes, that, and you're closer to your dream than you've ever been. I believe you can manage it."

"Easy for you to say. A book that takes me two hours to read is something you can finish in two minutes."

"Katya, I've been here nearly every night for the past two months that you've been in school. You don't even get distracted when I'm watching television without you. You must give yourself more credit."

"You're here every night just to watch me study. I can't imagine how that's fun for you."

"Oh, no, darling, I'm here for the cooking."

It had been eight months since Finn had returned to his Original body. And now, over a year since Katya first made New Orleans her home.

Adjusting had not been easy for him. The heightened emotions, the sounds, it was all startling for him. But the bloodlust had not been the problem he expected it to be. His control persisted, one thousand years later, and he was coping well by having one blood bag in the morning, and one at night. He made a point to learn Katya's blood type so that he wouldn't ever drink that blood. He feared he'd enjoy it more because he'd associate it with her.

Eventually, he started to feel more comfortable. He didn't go out much, unless he was showing Katya something new in the city, or unless he was going to an event with her. Most nights were spent in her apartment, playing board games or talking or binge-watching television shows (which Finn was becoming addicted to). Considering he'd never watched television until he'd met her, it was the most fascinating thing in the world to him.

He spent the night often, as well. He would stay on the couch, despite her saying it was alright for him to be on the other end of her bed. She found it respectful. They had yet to even lock lips, because they both agreed they wanted to spend another several months getting to know one another in their proper bodies before they tried to step into a full relationship.

According to Cami, they were basically dating already. Anytime she asking Katya about Finn, she would say, 'how's your boyfriend?' Katya grew accustomed to answering, but would respond by asking Cami about her boyfriend, Klaus.

The Mikaelson Compound was still a hostile environment, half a year after the fiasco with Dahlia. Though Finn and Kol had been more forgiving toward Klaus for what he'd done to the Crescent wolves, Elijah remained angry (which was understandable considering what had happened to Gia).

"You forgave him," said Katya in surprise when he had come to her apartment that day to share the news. "That's really, really good."

"Niklaus has never been the best when it comes to strategizing. I suppose I should say— he's never been the best when it comes to strategizing with other people. He did what he thought was right, and though I could be cross because it cost me the other body I was in... things did not go drastically wrong, and I can let bygones be bygones. Then again, that is my perspective as a non-Crescent-wolf. I'm sure they have something very different to say. But, in my point of view, what Hayley did was wrong. Elijah aiding her in escaping didn't help matters. Niklaus was understandably upset.

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