Chapter 17

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Katya was indeed lucky.

She was lucky that school was starting to go better for her. She was lucky that her boss was being more lenient with her work hours. She was lucky that the Mikaelsons weren't asking her for help with anything, which meant that she had enough time to do her work and still see Finn on the days he was available.

And she was lucky that Finn never got tired of hanging out with her, even when she was often completing assignments.

He liked to watch her work. He could sit for hours, just observing her thinking process. He liked when she studied for tests with him, speaking out loud and explaining concepts to him. He didn't understand most of it, but he tried to ask questions to help her practice. Sometimes, he'd quiz her by acting as a patient and listing symptoms for her to determine his diagnosis.

A month had passed and things had been relatively calm. Lucien had not appeared to Katya at work, though, he was still apparently murdering people, which had both her and Cami on edge. Finn was doing his best, keeping tabs on Tristan, but nothing seemed to be getting solved. The Mikaelsons knew Tristan and Lucien intended to kill Klaus and Elijah somehow. They just didn't know the exact logistics of it.

"Hi," said Katya when she saw Kol in the Compound after going to drop off some books for Finn. "Is he home?"

"None of them are," said Kol. "But you're welcome to leave them in his room. I trust you're quite familiar with the route?"

"Familiar, yes, not quite. I don't usually come here, but I think I remember which one his room is."

Kol nodded. "I suppose that does make sense, considering how often he's at yours."

Katya's eyes flickered to his hand, which had a candle in it. "Going to do a spell with Davina?"

"No, just er— preparing my room for something. Today's a special day for the witches, and I thought Davina and I would do something extra special. You can guess what that is."

Katya turned red. "Right, she's eighteen now... definitely not weird."

"Why would it be weird?"

"There's a lot I could say. I think it best if I just keep my mouth shut." She wanted to mention that she thought it was a bit strange that Davina had been a minor when she and Kol met, and they'd both just been waiting until she became of age to finally do the deed fully.

"Well, you're not in a position to judge," said Kol, thinking she was referring to the age gap. "He's one thousand and fifteen years older than you. I'm only one thousand and thirteen years older than Davina. At this rate, age gaps don't matter at all."

Katya had never done the math, so she took the time to calculate before making a face. "It's— nevermind."

"You look rather flustered for someone with so many thoughts on my relationship with my girlfriend. Aren't you going to be a doctor? Not to mention you've been seeing my brother for over a year already."

"Just forget I said anything," she said, noticing she'd clearly annoyed him. "You two have fun. Don't hurt her. She's become like a little sister to me."

"I won't hurt her, you should know that. Nik is the only one who's inconsiderate in bed." He paused, hearing her heart skip a beat. "No bloody way. You and Finn haven't slept together yet?"

"What, do vampires read minds now?" she asked, turning red.

"No, we're just observant. Well, no wonder he avoids the subject so much. He hasn't even kissed you yet, has he?"

"I think it's better to say we haven't kissed each other..."

"Well, what are you two waiting for? I've known women who have killed others to gain a chance in bed with one of the Originals."

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