Chapter 19

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Katya normally didn't condone torture.

In this situation, however, it felt appropriate.

Cami had been kidnapped by Aurora, the same obsessive thousand-year-old vampire who'd gone and hidden Rebekah in the ocean. Her brother Tristan was still being kept as leverage— even more so now that Aurora had both Cami and Rebekah hidden somewhere.

Katya tried to keep to herself. She worked on homework while she was watching Hope in the Kenner apartment. Thankfully, Freya had put up a Silencing Spell, which meant neither Hope nor Katya could hear the agonized screams The Strix's leader was letting out after being repeatedly bitten by Hayley and punched by Elijah.

Hope gurgled, walking over to one of Jackson's leftover flannels, as if asking where he was.

"Oh, princess," sighed Katya, placing Hope on her lap. "I don't know when Jackson will be back, but maybe after this, I could go talk to him. If I don't get lost in the Bayou, that is... but he might be willing to meet me at my apartment."

She picked the little girl up, going over to the window, and peering at the house across from them. She could see Finn had joined Freya, Elijah, and Hayley, and seemed to be saying something to Tristan. Sighing to herself, Katya walked back to the table, and put Hope in her high chair so that she could give her some fruit.

"Yummy yummy," she said, and Hope giggled, trying to catch the fruit as Katya made it zoom around like a jet. "There you go—" she popped a small piece of a peach into her mouth. "Mm, good peach, right?"

Hope just made noise as she ate, occasionally clapping her hands to ask for more.

"You have no idea how loved you are, do you, little one? So many people who love you. You have your mommy and daddy... three uncles... two aunts... well, more like five aunts, 'cause me, your aunt Davina, and your aunt Cami are there right alongside Rebekah and Freya."

"Frey!" said Hope, pointing at the wall.

"Yes, Freya is next door trying to find your auntie Bex."


"Mhm, she'll be home soon, don't worry."


"I'm sure she does miss you quite a bit. I'll be sure to ask her when she comes back."

There was a knock at the door, and Katya went over, peering through the peephole and opening it when she saw Jackson's grandmother.

"Hi, Mary," she said kindly, letting the woman in. "Everything okay?"

"Came to see my granddaughter," said Mary, beaming when Hope started to giggle and reach out to her. "Is Hayley here?"

"Helping with a matter next door," said Katya, pulling out her phone. "But I'll let her know you're here. Is Jackson alright?"

"He's doing what he normally does to cope with situations he don't understand. Chopping wood."

"Well, at least that's somewhat of a productive workout. When I don't know how to cope... I drink."

Mary half-smiled. "That's how the rest of us usually are. Jackson's quite different. A lot like his father, that one..." she sighed, cradling Hope to her chest. "You being careful?"

"I try to be," said Katya. "Kind of hard to be careful when I'm surrounded by all this, but I'm learning more and more each day. I think I'm going to take official fighting lessons soon because I keep saying I'll do it, then I don't, then I get kidnapped..."

Mary sighed. "I can appreciate the Mikaelsons only because they care for my granddaughter and, well, without Klaus, she wouldn't be here. But those people are gonna get you and Hayley in trouble. Jackson tells me you're seeing the oldest brother?"

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