Chapter 20

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Klaus was throwing a tantrum.

"Brother, please, stop it," Freya pleaded as Klaus continued to tear through his room, smashing things to bits.

He ignored her, continuing to yell at the top of his lungs in fury. Katya was still crying in Finn's hold, and he and Elijah were sharing a concerned look as they waited for Kol and Davina to return. Rebekah would not be joining them, and only Elijah knew why.

"I will kill her!" roared Klaus. "It was Aurora— she did this to her! Camille would have never— she wouldn't—"

He seized Katya by the shoulders before Finn could shove him aside, and shook her roughly. "She wouldn't—! You know her!"

"I know she wouldn't!" Katya said, pushing him back as hard as she could, only for him to remain latched onto her. "Klaus, let go of me, you're hurting me—"

Finn and Elijah had to pry them apart, and the eldest brother paled when he saw that Klaus had left Katya bruised from how tightly he'd been holding onto her.

"Niklaus, perhaps we ought to go somewhere else," suggested Elijah.

"No!" spat Klaus. "I am not leaving her!"

"No one is asking you to leave her—"

"LOOK AT HER!" Klaus bellowed, pointing at the body. "Just hours ago I was speaking to her! She is dead! SHE IS DEAD!"

He sank down onto the bed, whimpering as he lifted Cami's head, looking over her face. "She is dead..."

There was a sudden gasp, and he flinched as Cami's eyes shot open. Klaus lifted her up immediately, and she clutched at her own throat, looking around wildly at all the people in the room before glancing up at Klaus.

"Camille," he said gently, staring at her in disbelief. "Tell me what happened."

"Aurora," she said, her eyes widening. "She did this to me... I died... I'm dead."

"But you will not stay dead," said Klaus. "She will pay for her actions, I swear to you—"

Cami let out a groan of pain, holding her stomach. "Oh... what's happening to me? It hurts..."

"You're transitioning," the hybrid replied. "You need to feed on blood soon, or you will die... This time, for good."

Cami looked down at her body, which was covered in blood. "I... I need to get clean."

"Let me help you," said Katya, offering her hand. The Mikaelson siblings moved aside as the brunette led the blonde into the bathroom, shutting the door and helping her get into the shower. She was overwhelmed, that much was clear, and if she first needed to shower so that she could properly process the situation, then so be it.

Katya helped her remove her ruined clothes, and regulated the water before she started to bathe. She left the room only to throw the clothes away and get some new ones, keeping quiet despite the desperate look Klaus sent her way, wanting to know how she was.

"Here you go," said Katya once she was done, wrapping the towel around her body. She could see that Cami had been crying as she helped her dry her body. "Hey... it's gonna be okay. We're not leaving you."

"Where's Hayley?" said Cami weakly.

"In the Bayou, I think. She and Jackson were going to go spend the rest of the holiday with Mary. Do you want me to call her?"

"No... no. I'll wait until she comes on her own. I don't want..." she started to breathe heavier. "My chest hurts... my arms hurt... my legs hurt..."

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