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Not all prophecies ended with permanent death.

Katya used to think that her life would be simple. Mundane. She would be a doctor, maybe treat a few interesting patients for a year, then eventually retire one day. There had been no certainty of marriage or happiness.

But then she'd met Finn. And her life had become unrecognizable compared to what it had been in the past. The man who thought himself to be tainted became the one that helped her be happy even though things didn't go the way she planned for them to, or the way she wanted them to.

It took a year before Keelin and Katya found the right combination. A year of Elijah, Kol, and Rebekah being put into a deep sleep, in a Chambre de Chasse created by Freya, who had needed to become comatose as well in order to keep their temporary living quarters suitable. Their lives remained linked to Klaus, who on the outside, had become the man Cami deserved, and the best father Hope could have asked for. Davina and Hayley had joined Katya in the agonizing wait of getting their loves back.

Two fell by foe. Rebekah and Finn had been bested by Aurora and Lucien. Two fell by friend. Kol and Elijah had been bitten by Marcel (albeit unintentionally). Two fell by family. Freya had to be put to sleep to keep her siblings safe, and Klaus had carried their lives, remaining hidden away to keep from being killed.

The Mikaelsons all awoke on the same day. When Elijah, Kol, and Rebekah could be cured, they'd drawn Freya out. She'd carefully collapsed the Chambre de Chasse before waking her siblings, who were glad to find out that Klaus had survived just fine over the past months.

Finn had been resurrected in the evening, once they were all strong enough to carry out the spell. His body fully healed, was able to support his soul without a problem.

He'd taught Katya everything he knew about being a vampire, even though she'd already adjusted to it with Cami and Hayley's help. He'd supported her through getting her career and finding peace with everything that had happened in the past three years that she'd been in New Orleans.

They'd seen in each other what they and others hadn't seen in themselves. They granted one another the freedom and love that they'd been denied. It persevered, even as a spirit rose in New Orleans. Even as it forced the Mikaelsons apart, momentarily. But like all things, there was always a solution, and it had been found in time to keep the family from falling apart further.

All that was left for Katya and Finn was eternity together, first as only girlfriend and boyfriend, and eventually, as wife and husband.

And in the end, none of them had seen themselves as tainted.

A/N: Keep reading for Final Author's Note!

Tainted | Finn MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now