Chapter 22

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Katya could see that Finn was pissed.

"She said what?" he asked, even after she'd ran him through the entire conversation.

"I think it might be better if you see it, honestly," she said, offering her arm to him. He took it, albeit hesitantly, before going into the memory.

That didn't make him any happier, but he certainly understood what transpired better.

"I know it's not her," said Katya quietly. "So, I shouldn't be complaining—"

"Of course you should be complaining!" Finn cried. "Even if it isn't her, no one has the right to say that to anyone else. You don't need to sleep with me or with anyone— you're more than good enough and I will never love you any less even if we never once see one another that way. You are the one I love and the one I desire, not anyone else."

"I'm limiting you, Finn," she said shakily, starting to cry once again. "You— you've been alive for so long, you've had a certain level of maturity for so long. I know you have expectations even if you say you're okay with it not happening. I'm not fulfilling your needs."

He took her face in his hands. "You're not required to fulfill any of my needs, Katya! You're my partner, not a toy! You're not meant to be used, you're meant to be cherished and loved unconditionally. It pains me to know that the last person you were with made you feel as though your only purpose was to be his doll in bed. That's not right, Katya, it's never been right."

"Just tell me the truth, Finn," she pleaded. "Have you wanted to do it, yes or no? Have you wanted to... to sleep with me? Because I can admit I've wanted to... many times... with you."

"Yes, I have," he said honestly. "But that's all it is, a wish to do so. Not a need. I don't need it to happen in order to survive. I will love you more and more each passing day, no matter what. Because that is what a person does when they love someone. They are patient and understanding, not demanding. Darling, Cami's aim was to hurt you to keep you from stirring her humanity. To keep you from convincing her not to go through with her plan. She thought to pinpoint your insecurities, speaking lies for the sake of gaining the upper hand."

He brushed her cheek with his thumb. "What I had with Sage has been over for a long time. A very, very long time. She's dead. And she will never return. And even if she did, I would not choose her. You are more than enough for me. I don't deserve you. I don't deserve your kindness. As for your secret— I'd never reveal that to anyone, no matter what happened between us. That is not my secret to ever be sharing with anyone. I promise you that."

She sniffled, and shut her eyes. "I hate who Cami is becoming. And I hate myself for hating her. She's so rude now, and I'm not used to it... I don't want to force her to pretend otherwise, but it still fucking hurts when she speaks to me like that. Is it ever going to end? This misery? The suffering? Who else will I lose before I die, too?"

"I wish I could protect you from it," he said, putting his forehead against hers. "I wish I could take away the pain and make everything better."

"But this is the world we live in," she murmured, putting her hands over his. "And in this world... no one is safe." She sighed. "Did... did Klaus get the white oak from Cami?"

He sighed. "No."

"Jeez... is she really intending to hold it hostage for another day?"

"Cami no longer has the white oak."

Katya pulled back. "What?"

Finn winced. "The Strix Coven attacked. One of the witches took it. And at first, we thought it would not be so bad... Elijah could get the white oak back. But then, we learned that the bullet never made it to The Strix. The witch's body was later found dead with a lock of red hair beside it."

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