Chapter 12

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Katya's job was apparently to give advice.

"Hey," said Hayley when Katya had gone to her room, toying with the symbol at the end of Finn's necklace. "Got a minute?"

"Yeah, I'm not doing anything," she said, since she was quite literally taking the spot of 'most unnecessary individual in the Compound.'

"Cool." Hayley closed the door behind her and went to sit on her bed. "So... Jack had this idea. That maybe, Hope and I should run away with him and the wolves. Before Dahlia finds us."

Katya frowned. "Is that supposed to be a good idea?"

"I... I don't know. I don't like the idea of running, it makes me feel like a coward. But he's right. This isn't our fight. It's a Mikaelson thing. And I don't want Hope getting hurt because of it."

"From your point of view, Hayley, this might be helpful," said Katya pensively. "I mean, last time, everyone was fighting amongst themselves and it ended up in you being turned into a hybrid and Hope nearly dying. The lack of communication almost left you permanently dead.

"But then I look at it from Klaus's perspective, and I feel like it's a terrible idea. I know he's an asshole but he's still Hope's father, and he has the manpower that your wolves won't have. He stands a chance against Dahlia because he can't be killed— at least not as easily as the wolves can be. He will protect her with his life, you know that, because he loves her. As will Elijah and Rebekah and Kol and Finn and Freya. She's their niece, and they have the kind of power to make a difference. The kind of power that the wolves... lack.

"Ultimately," finished Katya, "it's going to be your decision. Just think this through carefully, Hayley. I know you often don't want to associate with the Mikaelsons, but there have been times when you really have appreciated them as your family. I mean, Rebekah was basically Hope's mother for eight months. You may not like Klaus enough to respect the fact this is also his kid, but imagine how Rebekah would feel if you took her away just like that without telling anyone. No parent deserves that. You wouldn't want anyone to take her away from you without you knowing, even if it was to keep her safe."

Hayley nodded. "Yeah... I... I'll think about it, I swear. Thanks for this."

Katya nodded, and Hayley left the room. The brunette had a bad feeling that the hybrid was going to do whatever she wanted to anyway.

She went downstairs when it came time for the purification spell on Jackson. She was there mostly for moral support, since Jackson was understandably nervous, surrounded by people staring at his bare chest, which had symbols drawn on it.

"By doing this," Freya told them, "we should be able to trace Dahlia's signature all the way back to the source of her power. But, I'll need to dig deep." She held out her hand to Kol. "If I may channel you—?"

He nodded, taking her hand. Hayley looked down at Jackson, whose breath had hitched. "Are you sure you're okay with this?"

Jackson let out a nervous laugh. "Piece of cake," he said, trying to stay calm.

Freya and Kol began to chant, which immediately made Jackson's back arch off of the table as he emitted a pained groan. Katya had never seen a spell of this sort done, and was staring at him wide-eyed, thinking they ought to stop if it was hurting him so badly.

Kol seemed to think the same thing, because he suddenly ripped his hand away from Freya's and stared at her. "What the bloody hell?" he said, which let Katya know he was not, in fact, concerned for Jackson's wellbeing.

"What is it?" asked Freya, blinking at him, not understanding what he was talking about.

"Dahlia's been channeling you!" he said sharply. "You're the reason her kenning spell overtook the entirety of Bourbon Street today!"

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