Chapter 24

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Katya was worried sick.

When they had first heard the news, everyone had been frantic, trying to find her. Elijah and Marcel had scoured the city. Kol and Davina had tried several Locator Spells before going to search for Vincent, to see if he could help. Finn and Katya were contacting Klaus and Hayley, who were going to bring Hope back to the Bayou so that she could be with Mary.

The lead that told them where they actually needed to start looking came from Kol and Davina. They had rushed in just as Katya gathered maps for Locator Spells, trying to prepare for any potential witch who would come to their aid.

"Davina, listen," Vincent Griffith said in a video left behind at the St. James Infirmary, specifically for the young Harvest witch to find. "I know we are not on the best of terms, but I need you to listen to me, okay? Um... we're in serious trouble. Now, I'm recording this here because it's— it's free from magic, and magic is our enemy. The Ancestors got me on the hook doing some pretty twisted magic, and I want no part in it, but they're forcing me to help Lucien Castle. And... if you don't help me, Freya Mikaelson's gonna die."

Finn and Elijah tensed at the sound of their sister's name. Vincent continued, "Before they forced me to take her, they had me put up a Cloaking Spell, so we can't be tracked. Now, Lucien's taking us out of town someplace, I don't know where, but there's a loophole. A year ago, Finn Mikaelson was in my body, and even after all this time, there's still an echo of a body-soul connection between us. And Davina— that's where you come into play. I need a powerful witch that's off the Ancestors' radar. I want you—"

In the video, he cut into his palm, depositing his blood in a small vial, "To find the thread between me and Finn. You have to, or Freya's not gonna make it."

Elijah shut the video off. "Have you ever done anything like this?" he asked the young Harvest witch.

"I don't even know if it's possible," she said, looking down at the vial in front of her. "But I do have Vincent's blood. If I can take Finn's blood and do the spell right, I should be able to track Vincent down."

Finn nodded, and went to grab a nearby glass, biting into his hand and letting the blood leak into the cup. "Katya, darling," he said, turning to her. "Something of Vincent's may help. Do you have anything?"

"No, but I know where he lives, and I can get something of his."

"Good. Go get it, now. Just, first—" He dipped down to kiss her. "I'm going to search for Freya."

"Be careful," she said, the two letting their foreheads tap together. "I love you."

"And I love you," he said, caressing her cheek and looking at her departing figure once she darted out.

Vincent's house was very easy to break into. He didn't have an alarm system, he didn't lock his windows, and he had a small space between a tall fence and where he put his garbage cans that kept her out of view when she climbed into the living room, so no one would know she was there.

"Vince, but you're going to be robbed one day, and they're going to take something more valuable than this button up," she said as she plucked up one of his shirts and left the way she came.

She was almost back to the Compound when Hayley called her. "Hey," said Katya. "Everything okay?"

"Hope's with Mary. Klaus and I are gonna follow another lead— we found out that Lucien's responsible for a bunch of missing werewolves, not just in the Bayou. He's been trying to cover them up, and we want to know why. Just wanted to let you know."

"Thanks," said Katya. "Stay safe." She hung up once Hayley said goodbye, and jogged back to the Compound, where Davina and Kol were working on finding Vincent.

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