Chapter 10

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He was the only one who knew the truth.

And somehow, that didn't scare her.

She knew he would tell no one. She knew he wouldn't judge her. He made it apparent in the way he held her after she'd revealed it all to him. The way he'd reassured her when she started to cry.

"He's whipped," said Hayley when she came to Rousseau's to speak with Katya while she was working, a few days later. "He really likes you."

A point to be made: Hayley didn't know the truth. Katya had made sure of it many times, never letting slip a detail that would create doubt. Finn was, in fact, the first person she'd ever told. It had been the right thing to do, in her mind. And though it inspired more confidence to be honest to her other friends, she chose to continue keeping it hidden, and had only told Hayley that Finn had walked her home again and comforted her in regards to a personal matter.

"That's what everyone's saying," said Katya, mixing up a drink for another customer. "And everyone wants me to accept it."

"But you don't want to, because then, you have to accept the fact you like him, too."

"Precisely. We've never even been on an official date. We hang out a lot but neither of us ever pinpointed any of our outings as dates."

"Well, you don't have to go on dates to be a 'thing,' you know. You've known him for months at this point, you've grown accustomed to his presence. He walks you home often, you cook for him, you guys talk. If he were in his Original body, you two would've—" she gave her a significant look, "by now."

Katya turned red, and went to hand the drink to the woman waiting on the other end of the bar before returning to Hayley and cleaning a few glasses. "I don't know, I don't think I would have gone that far with him even if he was in his Original body. Even the idea of kissing him makes me feel butterflies, like I did when I had my first kiss as a kid. Back before you even know what sex is. There's nothing sexual in it. This feels... pure. Just romantic. He may feel something different for me, but since this isn't his body, and I have no idea what he looks like... I'm growing attached to his soul. The idea of sleeping with him is not... really present. I'd kill for even just a hug from the real him."

"That's even cuter, you know?" Hayley downed the rest of her drink, before sliding it toward Katya for a refill. "Most people nowadays get straight to the sex, and get to know each other later. If this is comfortable for you, then that's good. It ensures you guys treat each other well. You know, I could see if Rebekah could show me a memory of him, and then I can show it to you, so that way, you're not letting one of his siblings into your mind."

She shook her head. "While I imagine he's really good looking, I feel a bit... satisfied, not knowing. Finn's entire life has been about pleasing other people. He's never done much for himself. Never really been valued for just the way he is. He's never been seen and appreciated for his thoughts, for his aspirations. It feels better for the both of us, I think, not relying on the exterior to forge this connection."

She hummed. "The only strange thing is associating his thoughts, his soul, with Vincent's voice and Vincent's face. I have nothing else to go off of. I'd like to know what he sounds like. Whenever he texts me, I hear Vincent's voice. That's when it starts to feel like there's actually three people involved in this." She shrugged. "Oh, well. But tell me, how are you and Jackson?"

Hayley groaned, putting her head down and opening her hand for Katya to slide a filled drink into it. "It's been strange. Elijah's in Algiers, not wanting to be in the same house as us. And Jack feels distant. I talked to him about it, and it turns out the issue is the whole... consummating the marriage thing. The Unification Ritual is all about us living as husband and wife. AKA, having sex, making babies, that sort of thing. I can't have babies, but the sex thing... I just don't know. I want to, I do. But starting it off is strange."

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