Chapter 6

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Katya wished Finn would just listen to her.

"So, did you feel any peace after talking to Finn?" asked Marcel when he caught her leaving the ballroom. "Which, let me remind you, you did against my advice."

She rolled her eyes. "Doesn't matter. He's a stubborn fool."

"Reminds me of someone I know."

"If you'd like to get smacked again, I'll gladly do it."

"I'd rather not be the recipient of that again."

"Good. That'll teach you to try to manhandle me on Klaus's orders. Have Davina and Kol found a solution yet?"

"Not sure. I'm going to check on them now. Why don't you come with me? Cami will be here soon, she just texted me. We need to get this all done tonight, or else, Esther may very well put herself into you for safekeeping."

Katya nodded, gulping a bit as they went to find Kol and Davina, who could be heard talking from a distance. "It's finished," Davina was saying, "but I'm afraid it's not enough to protect Cami and Katya's bodies from Esther's magic."

"I might know a way to distract you from your troubled mind," offered Kol.

"You can take this seriously," said Marcel sharply as he entered the room, "or I can lock you in the coffin that Klaus prepared for your brother Finn, if you prefer."

Kol gritted his teeth. "No. No, I'd prefer you to bugger off, because this spell needs time to cook in peace."

"Cami and Katya don't have time. Esther can jump anybody into their bodies right now."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," said Kol, "but it won't happen. She's not going to jump anybody. She's going to jump Rebekah into Cami, and Rebekah happens to be miles away. But, fair dues, Marcel, I think I'd be a bit testy, too, if my old ex was about to jump into my new ex. I think that would be a bit, uh..."

"... awkward?" finished Cami as she entered the room.

Kol shrugged. "I was going to say kinky, but..."

Katya stifled a snort as Marcel sped to Kol, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, but Cami quickly intervened before things could get ugly. "I appreciate the chivalry, Marcel," she said. "but he'll have an easier time protecting Katya and I if he's alive."

Marcel huffed and shoved Kol back. "Keep working," he said gruffly before beckoning for Cami and Katya to follow him.

The two women were encouraged to stay in the library just relaxing while the two witches figured out the logistics of the spell. This brought them no comfort at all.

"I'm sick of waiting," said Cami, crossing her arms and bringing her legs up as she watched Katya read the same page for the fifth time. "You can't focus, and neither can I, so what are we doing here?"

"This is probably the only time I'll say I wish I was a supernatural," muttered Katya, snapping her book shut. "I can hear them muttering and pitching ideas, rummaging around, and no one comes to tell us if they found a solution or not."

"What'll you do, if someone jumps into your body?" asked Cami.

Katya made a face. "I don't really think I'll be able to do much of anything in that situation, but..."

"Right." Cami put her hand on her head, massaging it gently. "I'm all frazzled, just thinking about this. How did we end up here? Just weeks ago, you and I both started seeing Vinc— Finn more often, and now, we're about to be taken over by Esther and Rebekah and whoever else she's going to put inside of us." She winced. "Katya, I can't even imagine how you feel, after..."

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