Chapter Five: Almost!

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Grayson's POV

I awkwardly walk into the theater room as I try to avoid eye contact with E.J, after the awkward conversation with him in the locker room he made basketball practice a nightmare for me

"Grayson come here please" Carlos says as he waves for me, I walk over to see NiNi already with him causing my smile to falter a bit, she still isn't talking to me

"Ok well I'm the choreographer and you both will be practicing the dance at the end" Carlos says causing me to look at him as we walk

"We're practicing the curtain call" I say confused as I look over to NiNi

"Yes, we wanna bring the audience to their feet" Carlos says as we stop

"Great, ummm NiNi I have a lot of dance training so I can try and slow it down since I dance like my sister" I say causing NiNi to just nod, she looks behind me  causing me to do the same

I see E.J looking at us with a glare causing me to turn around in intimidation

"Ok people let's take it from the top" Carlos says, everyone gets in there places and I look towards NiNi who is already looking at me

I give a reassuring smile to which she gives me a small one, the music starts and we start doing the dance, I do as promised and slow it down since I know my sister and I dance intensely, I keep my eyes on NiNi the whole time as we dance to make sure she's ok

She gives me a look that I can't read but almost seems trying to send me a message

As I turn to do my part I see NiNi looking a bit confused causing me to stop and look at her

"You ok NiNi" I say causing her to look at me with a confused face, her eyes start to get watery as she look at me

I go to comfort her but she moves away from me causing me to look at everyone, they all look at me and my sister looks at me with a "should we leave" look and I nod

She tells everyone to give us privacy, they all get up and walk out, E.J hesitates but leaves anyway and looks back a few times

Ok NiNi what's going on, you've been acting weird since this morning, you won't talk to me and while we were dancing you look at me a certain way and now your on the brink of crying, did I do something wrong" I say emotionally

"I felt something in the kiss" NiNi mumbles, I look at her confused as I didn't hear what she said

"What did you say" I ask looking at her and walking closer to her

"I felts something in the kiss" She says a little louder but I still can't hear her

"NiNi speak up please" I say getting frustrated

"I felt something in the kiss alright" NiNi almost yells catching me off guard, I look at her in shock as she looks at me with tears in her eyes

"You did" I say softly

"Yes and I didn't want to because I have a boyfriend who I love but I can't help but feel........something for you that's not friendly and not on the level that I should and I've never felt like this before.....especially with a girl" NiNi says

I walk up to her to where we are close and look at her fondly, do I confess my feelings I mean she did why shouldn't I

"I have been.....feeling so many things for you too NiNi, I have since I first saw you but I held back from doing anything when I saw you with E.J, but since your confessing, I should too" I say in one breath

NiNi looks at me as if I had just told her she won the lottery, she smiles at me causing me to do the same, I feel myself leaning in and I see her doing the same

Suddenly we hear the door open causing us to pull away, we look towards the door to see Carlos coming in

"Ok guys how is everything, it got really tense back there" He says, I look at NiNi who looks like a deer in the headlights

"Good, I got NiNi to calm down and we should be ready to start the dance again" I say

"You ready NiNi" Carlos says

She doesn't respond and just grabs her bag and jets out the room as Miss Jenn comes in, she looks at everyone confused as I just sigh and look down

"What just happened" Miss Jenn says causing me to look at me then Carlos who just runs after NiNi

I sit down and hold my head in my hands as I think of what was about to happen, NiNi and I were really about to kiss

I go over and get my stuff but suddenly I see NiNi's phone on the counter, I go to reach for it but I see a hand grab it before I do

"I got it,thanks" E.J says angrily, I just look at him and grab my things before heading out the school, I see my sister sitting on the bench

"So what happened in there sis" Gina says causing me to look at her

"A lot happened" I say

"Well you know I got your back" Gina says causing me to look at her

"Thanks sis" I say causing her to smile, I get up and decide to walk home, I've had enough for today and I need some air

Gina's POV

I watch my sister walk off and I can't help but smirk, I may want the role as Gabriella but I won't jeopardize my sisters chance with NiNi, I know that girl likes her and ima give her a leg up

No matter what

A/n ok well I updated, hope you like now ima go and do something y'all will like


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