Chapter Seventeen: Family

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Grayson's outfit^^^

Grayson's POV

I sing with NiNi in rehearsal and try desperately to hold back from giving her heart eyes and duck as a ladder goes over our heads

We've been talking and getting to know each other more since the broad meeting and it's been great like a weight lifted off my shoulders...but we're keeping it under wraps till the show because we can't have drama right now

"This could be the start of something new" I sing with NiNi as we circle each other and look into each other's eyes, i see her eyes go to my lips and I smirk a little before stepping on the box behind me

I see some of the dancer doing their part with on who has their sign upside down, I look back to NiNi and give her a flirty look as we sing to each and watch the dancers with confused looks

This show is gonna be weird..and fun

"Whoever would have thought that...we'd both be here tonight" I sing and try to hold in a laugh because of the big ass disco ball in the middle of us

I wanna go over to NiNi so bad and just..kiss her but I can't, Ricky and EJ are watching us right now and so is Miss Jenn

The bell rings causing us to stop and look at EJ who yells yes randomly

"Sorry I really love thanksgiving" He says causing us all to laugh a little, I step off my box as Miss Jen starts talking to us

"Grayson and NiNi that was great, I could feel the chemistry from both of you" She says in a teasing tone and I smile

"We did do pretty good" NiNi says and I smile at her

"You were amazing...and I killed it too" I say confidently causing NiNi to giggle a little

"Eh you were ok" She says jokingly causing me to pout and she gives me a look

"Awww is the baby upset" She says as she punches my cheeks and I laugh a little

"Hey love birds...tone down the flirting or your enemies will hear...oh hey Ricky" Gina says when suddenly Ricky walks up to us

He and I share a look of distaste before he looks to my sister with a smile, I sigh and look back to NiNi who looks at him sadly

"What's wrong NiNi" I say and she sighs

"I feel bad for Ricky you know....his family situation isn't the best and I don't know how to help him" She say sincerely

"Why would you help him...I mean I bet his dad has it covered" I say casually

"Grayson...he may be my ex but he is my childhood best friend....I know him and I know it's gonna bug him" NiNi says and I sigh in defeat

"Ok....we'll just stop by maybe to see if they are ok...or invite them over maybe" I suggest and NiNi smiles at me and hugs me

"Your the best.....person ever, I'm gonna miss you tomorrow...we've been spending so much time together it's going to be weird to not see you" She says causing me to smile and laugh at her pausing, we haven't officially gotten together hence why I said talking earlier

"You are the best person ever too and I feel the same but I'll call you I have to get home to my mom who's demanding I cook with her again this year" I say as I wrap my arm around her and walk us out till Carlos yells to us

"Party at Ashlyn's tomorrow after dinner your all invited" He yells causing me to laugh a little and smile

"Well....guess we will see each other on thanksgiving after all" I say and NiNi smiles before grabbing my hand that's on her shoulder

"I guess we will" She says happily

Time skip

I grab the turkey from the oven carefully and set it on the stove

"Man that thing is heavy...what did they feet that bird" I say causing my mom to laugh

"You get used to it after you have kids" She says as she takes the ham out with ease and I roll my eyes playfully

"Yea don't remind me that I'll have kids to make this much food for" I say and she pushes my head playfully

"Just don't have any now...I'm too young to be a grandmother" My mom says causing me to laugh as I go over to the deviled eggs and try to sneak one but my hand is grabbed lightly by my father

"Nope....if I can't have any, you can't either" He says in a laugh causing me to sighs as he chuckles at my pain, it's just Gina, Mom, Dad and I this year since my grandparents don't wanna travel this year

"Where's your sister...thought she'd be helping you guys since I'm not allowed in the kitchen" My Dad says causing my mom to roll her eyes

"You try to eat too damn out out out, Gina is in her room" My mom says before pushing my father out who now is pouting as he stomps over to the living room like a 5 years old

We laugh at him before walking to separate parts of the kitchen

"So where is your sister really" My Mom asks as I prepare the yams and the pie

"In her room....avoiding dad" I say causing my mom to sigh

"That girl......I wish she'd come around but....I can't force her...and I don't blame her" My Mom says and I walk over to her as she sits down at the kitchen table

"She's not used to him being around know they were close before he left" I say and my mom look to me sadly then let's out a sad laugh

"She was daddy's little girl....both of you were....I just wish he didn't break your hearts...because that's what made mine shatter" She says and I let out a sad breath

"Well he's making up for his own way...just give her time" I say and my mom nods

I'm not dumb, I know they are falling for each other again but I don't know how Gina will take it especially since she already doesn't want him around us right now

I don't even know how I feel about it....I just want my mom to be happy again

No One's POV

Chandler look down at his feet a she listens to his ex wife and daughter talk in the kitchen, he knows he screws up and broke his girls hearts

He left because of being a coward in dealing with his daughters differences and the issues in his marriage but he wants to make up for it

Chandler takes a deep breath before walking to the stairs and starts his walk up them, his hands shake as he tries to think of what to say to his other daughter

His babygirl

Chandler makes his way down the hallway till he gets to his daughters door and puts his hand up to knock but freezes in his spot, the same fear he felt when they went to the doctors and found out that Grayson was not a boy but it's different now

What will Gina say....will she be open to talking.....does she really hate him I mean he can't blame her...he left her

He was the first one to break her heart

Chandler sighs and ducks his head as he feels tears coming out of his eyes, suddenly he feels a hand on his shoulder causing him to jump but turn to see his Ex wife

"Hey uh....sorry" Chandler says as he wipes his tears form his eyes but his ex wife's hand comes up to get the rest

"It's ok..don't cry....look I know what's going through your head.....just give her time and try to talk to her before they leave tonight" Terri says as she ex husband's tears and and Chandler nods before walking to Terri's bedroom and tries to collect himself

Little did the parents know that Gina was listening with her mind swirling with thoughts

A/n welp.....looks like thanksgiving is going to be interesting lmao also Chandler is white and his face claim is unspecified


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