Chapter Twenty-One: Broken Plans

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Grayson's outfit in the second half of the chapter^^^

Grayson's POV

I sigh and walk into the house from walking NiNi home to hear Gina and my mom arguing in the next room with my father trying to calm them down, I walk into the room and they all look at me and stop yelling

"Grayson honey I-

"I can't do this mom....we just got here, I have a girl I really like....friends that like me for father back.....I can't just be uprooted again" I say and my mother sighs

"I know baby can always visit I mean your father is still here" She says as she cups my face but I move away

"Why can't we just stay with dad...he's here and he wants to be here" I say causing my father to freeze and my mom and Gina to look at me

" wanna live with me" My father says and I nod

"Anything to stay with Nini and please" I say and my mom look at my father sadly

"His parental rights may not have been given up......but I can't...I can't have my girls away from me" My mom says and I shake my head

"Why can't we have what we want....we always leave a state because of you but now we don't have too but you want us to leave anyway" Gina says

"It's deeper than that" My mom scolds

"Deeper how" My father asks and my mother looks at him and sighs

"I can't do this right now" She says before walking out, I run my hands through my hair and sit on the couch and Gina looks at both of us before storming to her room

"I'll talk to your mother" My father says before kissing me on my head and walking out, I groan in frustration as I punch the pillows near me

All I want is to be in one place for longer than a year, that's all I want but why can't her job or her just let it be

I wanna stay here...I need too

I huff before getting up and walking to my room, I pack a bag of clothes and toiletries before walking out of my room

My dad looks at me from down my hallway, he nods and I do the same before walking down the stairs and out of the house

I make my way down the sidewalk as tears come down my face, the thought of leaving Nini breaks my heart especially since it took so much for us to get here

I have friends finally and to leave them feels like a betrayal

I make it to NiNi's house and sigh before walking to the door and knocking, the door soon opens to reveal her mom

"Hey Grayson ok" She asks and I shake my head no, she immediately pulls me into a hug before guiding me upstairs

We get to NiNi's door and her mom knocks and I hear movement from behind the door before it opens to reveal my girl

"Hey mom...Grayson...wait Grayson are you ok" Nini says and pulls me into her and I cling to her immediately, I feel her nod on my shoulder and she pulls me into the room

"Come on let's lay down" She says and I pull away and put my bag down, I flop on her bed and sigh as I feel tired suddenly, I look around to see photos of Nini and I as well as her and Kourtney

I feel a hand rubbing my back and another in my hair causing my eyelids to get heavier and my body to relax as I feel arms wrap around me

I immediately turn and pull Nini closer as I drift off to sleep

I hold NiNi's hand as we look at the burnt remains of part of the school

"What happened" I say as Miss Jen comes over to us

"Nobody was was a small fire in the theater over the holiday and...the sprinklers did there job" Miss Jen says and I feel my stomach turning anxiously

"We're almost done in here...just have to finish in the faculty room next...some circuits blew in there over the break...unfortunately the show can not go on" The firefighter says and my stomach drops

"What" Miss Jen says

"The fire ripped through half your costumes and the sprinklers ruined a bunch of your sets, I..I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to red tag the entire backstage area for a month at least" The firefighters says and I let out a shaky breath

I feel anxiety start to build up and I immediately leave the area, hearing everyone calling me back

I rush out of the theater and into the hallway and lean against a locker, I feel a hand on my back and on my shoulder causing me to look up and see Ricky standing there

"Hey hey...,it's gonna me ok...just breath" He says as he mimics deep breaths and I copy him as my body calms down

"There you go....I got you" Ricky says answer I nod

"Thanks Ricky" I say and he smiles at me gently as he leads me back to the auditorium

The school day goes by and now I'm sitting in the cafeteria holding Carlos's hand as Nini sits in my lap and I hold her close

"Ok guys....wait where Gina" Miss Jen asks and I sigh

"Our family is going through a lot and...she needed a day off" I say and Miss Jen sighs

"I'm sorry about that Grayson...I give my best....I'm..really not sure what to've all worked so hard...I've seen all of you grow so much but if we don't have a theater...we don't have a show" Miss Jen says and I frown and put my hands on my face

"Come on Miss Jen we've got to do something" Carlos says

"Yea, we have to have other options" I say

"I think we....I don't know I guess could consider other venues" Miss Jen says and I nod

"Perfect but....but where" I say and everyone starts brainstorming

"Oh oh, what about the old Kingston downtown" Ashlyn suggests

"It's condemned" Miss Jen replies

"The lucky ducky pupu pavilion" EJ suggests

"It's a massive Starbucks now" Miss Jen says and I sigh

"How about the Elray" Carlos and I say at the same time causing everyone to agree

"Any other ideas" Miss Jen asks and we all shrug but I frown at Miss Jen

"Miss Jen I thing you just had a weird reaction to what Carols and I said...are you ok" I ask nicely and Miss Jen sighs

"Sorry what did you say" She says and I give her a look

"Fine fine, tell me more" Miss Jen says and Carlos starts explaining, I smile as we all start planning and i duck my head

I may not be here for the show but...if I can't do it, I'll help them do it

A/n awwww Grayson's so sweet


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