Chapter Nineteen: New Friends?

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Grayson's POV

I arrive home with Ricky and his dad in toe as I open the door to se my mother coming down the stairs near by

"Hey Grayson...who are these people" My mom asks and I chuckle a bit

"Hey mom...this is Ricky and his dad...Ricky is in theater with me and Gina...they uh...don't have anyone to spend the rest of thanksgiving with" I say awkwardly and my mom smiles a bit

"Well if they haven't eaten, we still have food out, nice to meet you two, I'll get Chandler" My Mom says and I smile bit

"Thank you Grayson, this means a lot" Ricky says and I smile a bit as my father and Gina come out together

"Hey Gray...oh hello, I'm Chandler" My father says as he walks over to Ricky's Dad

"Nice to meet you Chandler, I'm Mike and this is my son Ricky" Ricky's dad says as they start talking, I look over to my sister and she pulls me and Ricky with her to the living room

"Hey Grayson I just wanted to apologize for yelling at you earlier, i talked to dad" Gina says and I smile slightly

"It's ok Gina....I'm sorry for not considering your side of this....I know you were close with dad too and you were just as hurt as me when he left" I say and Gina smiles at me

" why is Ricky here" She asks and I laughs little as does Ricky

"Uh my dad and i's thanksgiving this year is...different so Grayson invited us over till we all head out" Ricky explains and Gina smiles a bit at him

I watch her with teasing eyes as I see her mood change a bit, she totally likes him...thought she liked EJ...

Girls are weird

I feel my phone vibrate causing me to pull it out and see Nini calling, I excuse myself to my room and answer the call

"Hey's thanksgiving going over there" I ask and I hear NiNi giggle

"It's going great, although....I texted Ricky and he told me you invited him over for thanksgiving" She says in a curious tone and I chuckle to myself

"Yes I did....I don't hate the guy...but I am nervous about him finding out about us" I say nervously and I hear Nini sigh

"He will find out when we decide to go public...but I am happy that you did this for him....inviting him even thought you don't like him...I appreciate that" She says and I smile

"Anything to help out...I can't erase your past with him but....I can at least be nice" I say and NiNi laughs a little

"Your a saint..but I have to go but I'll see you at the party" Nini says and I smile

"See you there beautiful" I say before hanging up, I turn around to see Ricky standing there and I suck in a breath

"Your sister told me to come get you....we're about to leave" He says and I see his eyes are teary causing me to look at him a bit

"Yea..uh good" I ask and he looks away before wiping his eyes

"Yea...uh...I'm I'm mom has a new boyfriend and it's a lot" He says and I sigh

"Damn man....well...I suggest instead of talking to me...ask my sister about how to deal with this, she's better with words than me but...just know gotta do what you gotta do" I say and he looks and curiously

"How would you know about any of this...what I'm going through" He asks and I smile at him

"Mom who moves around constantly due to her job....finally having a thanksgiving with my dad back and my mom not working during the me..we know a lot more than you think" I say with a slight smile before grabbing my coat and heading out of the house with Ricky trailing after me

I link arms with my sister and look to Ricky who hesitated before linking arms with my sister and we make our way towards the party, Gina and Ricky start talking about his family and Gina explains ours which makes me start to wonder too

I hope we don't move again, I'm just getting settled and I have a girl I really like friends plus my dads here...I can't leave all of them again

We get to the party and I immediately depart for them as I see Nini on the stairs

I awkwardly walk over to her as she greets Ricky and I and Gina walks in after us

"Hey Grayson...I missed you" NiNi says and walks over to me and hugs me

I smile and hug her back, I look over a bit and see Ricky awkwardly smirks before walking away

"Hey Gina" NiNi says to my sister who just waves and walks off to give us some privacy

"I missed you so much...thanksgiving got pretty awkward before I went and got Ricky..but's better now that I'm with you" I say and Nini smiles at me and kisses my cheek

"Mine got a whole lot better now that your here too...but why was it awkward" Nini asks and I shift uncomfortably

"Oh uh....just some family stuff that's all..don't really wanna talk about it" I say  and Nini nods before pulling me closer

"Well when you want to you can and again thank you for..the whole Ricky thing" She says and I wave her off

"Stop thanking me, he's your friend and I mean...he's not so bad once you get to know him"I say causing her to smile and pull me into another hug

I smile and hug her back before going to kiss her cheek  but as I do, her head turns and we almost kiss on the lips

"Oh uh....let's um...go the game is going" I say awkwardly and Nini nods before taking my hand and leading me to everyone

I let out a nerve breath as I take in what almost happened, we almost kissed

Fuck we almost kissed

A/n lol Grayson freaking out is kinda funny and cute but then again....she's just a cute person ig lol


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