Chapter Eighteen: Progress

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Grayson's POV

I sit at the table with my parents as we finish eating, I smile as my father does his usual stretch after eating causing me to laugh a little

"You still think that stretch is gonna help you not sleep like a bear" My Mom teases causing my dad to laugh

"It helps with digestion...I think" He says awkwardly causing my mom and I to chuckle at him for being a dork, once a dork always a dork

I smile at my parents as they share a look I remember seeing them do when I was little, I look to Gina who is looking down a bit at her plate

"So...Gina, wanna play our usual after thanksgiving football old times" My father suggests and Gina looks from her plate to him

"No.....don't like the game anymore" She says causing my father to nod but I can tell that stung a bit

"That's ok....but can we talk..please" He asks and Gina look at him with utter frustration

"Can you stop trying to get me on board with you being back, it's not happening!" Gina says causing me to look at her irritatedly

"Gina he's trying to make amends, can you stop being such a brat" I say causing Gina to look from our father to me

"You are so naive Grayson, can't you see this is just a ploy to get mom back and both of you are falling for it, I refuse to be used just because a little part of him feels guilty for leaving us!" Gina yells at me and I shake my head

"I'm not as naive as you think, I know what's going on too and if you took your head out your ass maybe you'd realize that he's actually sorry!" I yell back and my father huffs

"Enough! Look I understand both for you are in a confused and uncomfortable position with me being here....I am trying to make amends but I won't have you two being mad at each other for your different feelings...Grayson...take a walk and cool off...Gina...I need to talk to you, don't be afraid to tell me exactly what you feel" My father says causing Gina and i to look at him

I look to my mom and she nods as she squeezes my hand and tells me to go cool off, I nod and grab my keys and walk out of the house

I take deep breaths as I walk down the sidewalk and from my house, Gina is so stubborn like you haven't even talked to him so how do you know what he's thinking or doing

Ugh she pisses me off sometimes

I sigh and look around me and notice a familiar car in the driveway next to me, I look over to see the mailbox says this Ricky's house

I remember what NiNi told me and I let out a sad sigh, even though I don't care for him....he's going through a tough time and maybe he can talk to Gina

Ugh this is gonna be weird

I walk into the driveway and to the door as I work up the courage to knock, I huff before knocking and waiting till the door opens to reveal Ricky looking at me confused

"Hey...Ricky" I say awkwardly and Ricky looks at me confused

"Uh..what are you doing here Grayson" He asks and I sigh

"Look I know we don't exactly...get along  but...Nini told me your having a hard time so....wanna come hang with my family til we leave for that party" I ask and he looks at me shocked, I see his dad come up behind him and smile at me

"Hey......Grayson right? thank you for the invitation...we'd love too" Ricky's dad says and Ricky looks at his dad who gives him a look

"Beats going to my, you get to see Gina" Ricky's Dad says and Ricky looks away awkwardly

"Well we're down the street so...let's go" I say and Ricky nods gets his coat and his father does they same

We all walk awkwardly down the street as Ricky's dad asks me questions and we talk for a bit while Ricky and I share awkward eye contact during the walk

During the Grayson's walk

No One's POV

Gina and her father sit in the kitchen alone, staring at each other awkwardly and not knowing where to start, Terri left to give them time alone to talk comfortably and to answer a business call

"Babygirl I-

"I don't want you to call me that...I'd prefer Gina" Gina says and her father nods before starting again

"Sorry...Gina....I'm so so sorry for leaving you and your sister..and your mother, I made the biggest mistake of my life leaving because of my own fear and cowardly behavior...but me coming back doesn't have an hidden motives..I missed my family as selfish as that girls needed me and I I want to make amends" Chandler says and Gina shifts in her seat as her arms remain crossed

"That's not the only thing I'm upset about" Gina says and Chandler looks at her confused

"I know your sorry and it's weird but I don't care about you and mom possibly getting back together....but you have yet to mention the promise you made to me....on you and my mothers wedding promised Grayson and I that you'd always be there...that you'd always love us and never leave us..that I'm daddy's little girl" Gina says as tears may they're way down her face

Chandlers heart breaks as he remembers every word he said at the wedding, he made that promise and meant it at the time...then he broke it

"I....I broke that promised to you...and I'm so sorry bab-Gina.....a father...a man, should, never break his promise and go back in his word for any reason...I shouldn't have been the first one to break your heart and if I could go back I'd change everything I did and not break that promise I made to you and your sister" Chandler says and tears of his own start coming down

"I haven't forgiven you....and I don't think I will any time soon" Gina says and Chandler nods as he bows his head

"But if you mean every apologize you have said to all three of us.....then I'll stop being a so mean and closed off" Gina says causing Chandler to raise his head in surprise

"Thank you...just go at your own pace and tell me if I cross a line" Chandler says and Gina smiles slightly before getting up and kissing his head before walking out of the room

Chandler starts to cry a little harder as he appreciates every small step his girls make to forgiving him, it won't happen overnight and he knows that

A/n aww I hope I'm portraying the absent parent that come back thing properly, again I have no experience in this and this isn't something I know a lot about so I hope that I'm not doing a bad job, I feel for anyone who's in this situation and has felt this kind of frustration and anger before and I'll tell you, you are still worth loving and having in someone life❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


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