Chapter Thirteen: Balance

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Grayson's POV

I smile as I drink some punch with Alexa, she just told me how on her first day with the art club she spilled red paint on white jeans

"It was awful, I looked like I killed some one with my thighs" She says laughing as I do the same

"I never wanna be in that situation ever" I say as I try to calm down

"So Grayson....I haven't asked this yet...what grade are you in" Alexa asks

"I'm a sophomore...what grade are you in" I say curiously, she hisses a bit and leans back in her chair

" a teachers assistant because this would be very awkward" I joke causing her to let out a small laugh

"No....I'm actually senior...but I made a vow to myself that I'd only go for people in my grade" She says causing me to look at her curiously

"So your interested in me" I say teasingly causing Alexa to blush

"Maybe....I mean I've gotten to know you a little and....I like what I see" She says as she comes closer to me, I smirk as I take her hand on the table

I look over to see my sister and see my sister and E.J arguing causing me to perk up, I see my sister and she looks so upset

"You ok cutie....something upsetting you" Alexa says worriedly

" sister is arguing with this asshole E.J, he's in your grade" I say, suddenly my sister pour punch on E.J's head before taking off and I immediately get up

"I'll be right back" I say before charging towards E.J

"What did you say to her" I say angrily causing E.J to roll his eyes at me

"Nothing! Your sister is being a bitch" He says and I glare at him before swinging and punching him in the eye causing him to fall, suddenly I'm pulled away from E.J by Big Red and Carlos

"Whoa chill protective sis....maybe you should go check on your sister" Carlos says and I shake my head

"'s best to let her cool off first" I say and he nods before leaving and Big Red following suit

"Hey....pretty badass what you did there" I hear Alexa say behind me causing me to turn around

"Yea...not really something I'd do often but...that's my sister" I say shaking my hand a bit

" was kinda's my number, I have to leave but I hope to see you in school...bye cutie" Alexa says before handing me a little piece of paper, kissing my cheek and walking away, I smile as I turn and watch her leave with a smile growing on my face


I shake my head before walking out to see if my sister is ok, I look and see my sisters coat is gone causing me to sigh heavily and text her before walking back to the gym to see Carlos and Ashlyn dancing, I smile and join in with them

As I dance I can't help but think of Nini, do I fight for her or do I give up I mean I don't want to give up on her

I have that feeling like it's meant to be

I keep dancing and see Carlos's date causing me to smile and wave him over, suddenly I'm pulled over by Ashlyn for the slow dance, I shrug and dance with with her

The dance ends and I thank Ashlyn for the ride before walking in to see my Dad sitting on the stairs

"Your sister came home early and went straight upstairs ....did you guys have some fun at least" He says as he puts him arm around me

"Yea..met a cool girl and hung out with friends" I say with a smile as we head upstairs

"Well I'm happy about you wanna uh hang out tomorrow if your not busy and maybe convince your sister to come" My Dad says as we reach my room

"Dad....give her time, she's not as forgiving as I am and with what happened when we got home...things seem to move fast...just let her come to you but sure I'll hang out with you tomorrow" I say as I give him a sad smile and he gives me one

" you still like playing sports" He says and I smile widely

"Yea I do" I say and he smiles brightly before kissing my forehead and sending me off to bed, I feel the warm fuzzy feeling in my stomach as I close my door

I remember feeling this when he was around before everything went to shit, I feel loved by him again but I need to remember to be carful...things are moving fast for me

I strip my suit off and shower  before dropping on to my bed dramatically

I hope everything balances out

A/n yuh get into it lol


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