Chapter Twelve: New Flame

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Grayson's suit^^^
Not proofread

Grayson's POV

I text NiNi about my day today as she tells me about EJ and their issues, I don't know how this girl just makes me feel so seen and heard

God I'm falling hard already, I text Courtney about ways I can help cheer NiNi up before heading to bed for the night, tomorrow is going to be very awkward

Then Next day

I watch NiNi as she tries to flush her dress down the toilet

"NiNi just chill it's gonna be ok...I mean you could come with me" I say shyly causing NiNi to stop

"Grayson...that would be cool but...I need to be on my own for now, no dating" She says and I feel my heart sink

"Oh...ok uh ima head to class I'll....I'll see you later" I say before getting off the sink and walking out of the girls bathroom

This day is off to a horrible start

The day goes on and I head inside of my house with Gina, rehearsal was weird due to me avoiding NiNi after the bathroom incident which is hard given that we're the lead roles and have almost every scene together

Gina and I walk into the kitchen to see our parents laughing as they drink out of coffee mugs, I frown my eyebrows as I look at both of them confused and I can tell that anything but friendly

"Uh...hey guys" I say in a confused tone as I look from a very uncomfortable looking Gina and my parents who look like they were caught doing something

"Hey kids....uh your father and I were just talking things over...and I'm willing to let him see you guys but only if you both want too" My mom says and I smile a little and nod before looking to Gina who looks very unhappy

"I'm....I'm gonna go get ready for homecoming" Gina says before taking off upstairs, I look to my parents who look down for a second before looking at me

"I'm gonna the same Uh....happy to see you dad" I say with a slight smile before heading upstairs as well

I wanna see my dad but......I don't know how I feel about seeing my parents together again

I fiddle with my tie as I try my best to follow the YouTube tutorial but to no use

"Hey....I got that for you" I hear my dad say as he comes into my room and over to me, I sigh in defeat as I just let my tie hang on my shoulders

"Ok...just follow my lead" He says laughing a little at me as he slowly ties my tie for me as we look at each other in the mirror

"I....I know that you guys seeing your mother and that and getting along freaked you out....frankly I was surprised by the openness and the....familiarity of how we interacted I haven't been kicked out already....but don't assume anything...if anything both will be the first to know" He says as he tries my tie

I stand there gathering what he said as he lays my tie on my chest and smiles at me

"I appreciate that dad....thank you for the talk..and the tie" I say slowly and he nods before straightening out my suit

"Your look beautiful...or handsome..whichever you prefer" My father says hesitantly causing me to laugh a little

"Either is fine...ok uh E.J and Gina are waiting for me...gotta go" I say and he nods as I walk out my room and down the stairs

"Be safe....wear a you" My father yells awkwardly and I just give him a thumbs up as I walk out of thr house

I'm happy he's trying

Time skip

I walk into the dance with Gina and E.J as I watch him carefully as well as my sister, I'm not stupid to think that there's no plan between them at all

I spot Ricky, Big Red and the others as my sister and E.J take awkward pictures, I walk over and say hey to everyone minus Ricky before sitting down

"Hey...looks like I'm third wheeling lucky if I found a girl here" I say looking around, I'm staring to think that waiting in NiNi isn't healthy, especially when there's so many other girls that I could be with...I guess

"Well we're here for you...I mean none of us have dates..minus Carlos" Ashlyn says

"Yea and your super hot Grayson so maybe you'll find a girl here to dance with" Carlos says causing me to smile a bit, I look around when suddenly I spot a girl looking at me with a small smile

I wave awkwardly and she gives me a wave back but suddenly stands up and walks over to us, I start freaking out as she gets closer

"Hey....wanna dance cutie" She says causing Ashlyn and Carlos to look at me as well as Ricky and Big Red

"Uh...yea...I'd love too" I say with a slight smile, she smirks before taking my hand and leading me to the dance floor, she starts dancing and I move side to side awkwardly as she does causing her to laugh a bit

"Come here cutie...I don't bite" She says before pulling me close and moving against me, suddenly my mind catches up with my ego

I'm Grayson Porter, I got this

I immediately put my hand on her waist and move to the music with her, I see her keeping up with me causing me to smirk a bit and as I do I look down and we meet eyes

"What's your name beautiful" I say boldly

"Alexa...what's yours cutie" She says as she turns and wraps her arms around my neck and I pull her close

"Grayson" I say, I look over for a brief second and see my sister who looks.....disturbed but Ashlyn, Big Red  and Carlos are cheering me on

I smile before turning back to the girl in front of me and smiling

Maybe it would be good to move on....only wish for the feelings I have to go away with a distraction

A/n welll damnnnnnnn, Alexa DEMIE has entered the chat, gotta love that and the fact that she's interested in y'all feel about that


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