Chapter Twenty-Five: Reveal

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Grayson's POV

I hear Nini calling after me but I keep walking, I feel my breathing picking up and I can't have her see me like this especially since this is my second panic attack of the damn day

" ok" I hear causing me to look over and see Carlos and Ashlyn, I shake my head and they grab my arms and take me into a room nearby

"'s ok...your ok" Ashlyn says as she rubs my back and Carlos rubs my head, I feel my breathing relax and I finally take a deep breath without my chest feeling tight

"God I hate this.....I've been filled with anxiety all day" I say annoyed

"Me too...I'm so worried about the show and you and Gina" Carlos says as he sighs and rubs my shoulder

"Yea not to mention what's going to happen after like will we all be friends still if the show gets canceled" Ashlyn says to us

"Guys that's not why I was having an anxiety attack but making me think of those will make me have another one" I say and they immediately shut up

"Well...why did you have one..if you don't mind me asking" Carlos says and I look between him and Ashlyn before going to the door and shutting it and locking it

"Anything I say....NEVER leaves this room ok?!" I say and they both nod with confusion written all over their face, I sigh and walk back over to them

"I have a...big secret that I think Nini just found out about...something I haven't shared with everyone because honestly no one needs to know but...I wanna tell you guys" I start, my hands already sweating from nervousness

"You can tell us anything Grayson" Ashlyn says comfortingly

"Yea...and we won't tell anyone...does your sister know" Carlos asks

"Yea she does....uh...god this is hard pun intended" I say and they both look at me with a raised eyebrow

"Oh right the secret...uh...I have a...dick....I was bored intersex and Nini and I were making out upstairs and yes her and I are a thing but we're keeping it between us for now because of Ricky and the show and while we made out I got a hard on and now I'm terrified that she knows and wants to break up" I ramble before looking up and seeing Ashlyn and Carlos looking at me confused

" if I heard you have a me" Carlos asks

"And you are with Nini now...who your afraid will leave you because of you having a dick" Ashlyn finishes, I nod causing both of them to look at each other before starting to laugh

I feel my heart sink and go to leave but they stop me

"No no no wait...we're not laughing at you" Ashlyn says quickly

"Well we are but not at the fact that you have a dick...we don't care" Carlos says and I sigh in relief

"Exactly....we don't care but it's funny that you got a hard on from making out" Ashlyn says causing her and Carlos to laugh while I roll my eyes at them

"Hahaha..whatever...but what do I do" I whine

"Just be honest....Grayson your amazing and any girl would be lucky to have you" Ashlyn says

"Especially if your hung" Carlos says causing Ashlyn to smack him on the head

" are beautiful just the way you are and if Nini can't see that don't need her" She says and I smile before hugging her

"Thanks guys....feels good to tell someone who isn't a doctor" I say causing us to laugh

"Yea...but let's get out of her before everyone starts asking questions" Carlos says and we nod before walking out of the closet, I see Nini and Kourtney talking on the stairs

Nini looks at me and I just smile slightly at her before walking off

Time skip

I help get the stuff into the bus and avoid Nini like the plague, she and Kourtney have been staring at me since we came back down and I can't handle this right now even though I have to tell her

I can't tell her with Kourtney around and telling Kourtney and Nini at the same time would send me into a frenzy

I look over and see Nini walking out towards me but I immediately run onto the bus and sit down next to Carlos who looks at me and rolls his eyes

"Can't avoid her forever" He says as he stares ahead

"Yea i know but I can try-

Before I can react, Nini pulls me by my shirt and off of the bus, I try and fight her but her grip on my shirt is tight

"Tell me right now...what is going on" She demands and I shift nervously

"Nini it's not that serious-

"No it's serious when my girlfriend is scared to be around me and avoiding me" Nini insists causing me to scoff

"Nini please can't this wait til-

No! It can't, you know I won't ever judge you or make you feel bad so just tell me-

"I have a dick ok!" I yell frustrated causing NiNi's face to change immediately, I feel a wave of anxiety wash over me as she just stares in shock

"You...what" She asks and I sigh

"I...I was born with...a guy part...down there and....I was so afraid of telling you that I....I just couldn't" I say and Nini just nods as she looks down and doesn't meet my gaze anymore

"I....I gotta go" I say before speed walking off, I hear Nini calling out to me but I ignore her as I call my dad with tears forming in my eyes

"Hey my sweet girl..what's up" My dad says over the phone, i sniffle and try to catch my breath from how fast I'm walking

"Grayson...are you ok" I hear my dad say as shuffling starts to happen on his side

"Can you pick me up Dad" I cry into the phone

"I'm on my ice cream will be in the freezer and Desperate housewives is in the DVD player" He says before hanging up, I choke out a sob as I lean against some nearby bricks

My secret is out to Nini....I have a very weird feeling in my stomach that something will go wrong

A/n and it will Grayson...and it will


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