Chapter Eleven: The Meeting

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Not Proofread and also read my author note at the ned of the chapter please

Grayson's POV

I walk into the ice cream parlor and look around before spotting the back of my fathers hair, his hair has gotten a bit greyed but it's the same haircut as before

I feel my breath quicken as I debate if this is a good idea I mean I had to swiftly get away from Gina after school and dodge my moms texted in order not to lie to her, just as I'm about to turn around I'm spotted

"Grayson" My father says causing me to give a sigh loudly, fuck there's no going back now

"Chandler" I say and he puts his head down in shame

"Ok....I deserve that......come sit" He says before motioning to the empty table, I look at him hesitantly before walking over and sitting down in front of him

I watch his as he fiddles with his fingers nervously and can't seem to look at me for more than a second

"What do you want to talk about and why didn't you go to mom first" I ask irritatedly, this makes him get out of his daydream and he now looks at me

"I knew that if I tried to contact you, your mother would have cut it off but I needed to see you Grayson" He says sadly, I let out a breath as I look out the window then back to him

"But why now....why do you want to see me now...why did you leave over something that I can't control" I say as I get progressively more upset

"I was scared Grayson......I did not know what was going on and I'm ashamed that I ran instead of being there for you" He says and I scoff

"You we're only worried about yourself so don't give me that "you were scared crap", you think I wasn't" I say causing him to shut his mouth instantly

"I was bullied...had to do things that I didn't wanna do like change in the boys locker room, sign up for sports but have to be on the boys teams....all because I'm not seen as a girl....and my father left me to deal with that in my own.....I don't even identify with a girl anymore but it was hard to go through...alone" I rant as my father looks at me like a lost puppy

"I-Im sorry Grayson.....I was being selfish" He says and I nod and look away from him

"So what now.....I've said my piece" I say as I cross my arms as my father leans up and puts his arms on the table

"I want to get to know you.....see what I missed out on and make things right....I'm sorry I wasn't there and I can't change or take back the years I was gone but I can try to make up for them...for you and for Gina" He says and I look down at the table as I think on it

I have waited for years for this man to come back in my life and guide me, help me with puberty and with girls, help me learn things that mom couldn't teach me because of her job....I have so much anger for him but.....I have a chance to have a father again

"Fine.....but you and I do what I wanna do and I'll let you get to know me" I say causing my fathers face to light up, I uncross my arms and put them on the table as well

"You won't regret it" He says before taking my hand into him, I let out a deep breath as I look at his hands wraps around mine

"Don't make me...regret it" I say and he nods before asking a bunch of questions and I ask him some as well

It's getting late and I look at my phone as my dad and I joke about my childhood, I see I have missed calls and texts from everyone from NiNi to my mom causing me to sigh

Ima hear about this when I get home

"What's wrong sport" My dad says causing me to look at him

"Nothing is gonna kill me for being out this late" I say

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