Chapter 14: International Hunting

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Two months have passed and the boys have finished planning their international trip. At the moment, they're flying over the ocean heading for London. They have plans to stay in two haunted locations: the Langham Hotel and St. Andrew's Church. They arrive at the hotel and meet up with paranormal investigators. These investigators give them key information about the hotel, in particular, room 333 where they are staying. In that room, there was a murder and a suicide as well as reports of apparitions being seen.

They explore the hotel, taking their camera with them to film. As they are walking around numerous things happen. They find a vortex with handprints on one of the mirrors. At the same time, Sam doubles over in pain.

"Sam, what's wrong?" Colby asks, concerned.

"It's weird. I got this intense pain in my head but only for a second. Can we get some fresh air though?" Sam asks.

The others agree and they head outside for air. They walk around the area for about a half hour then head to investigate their room.

They enter their room to find that it is sweltering hot. They try to open a window but find that it can't be opened. They give up on the window and begin their investigation. They begin in the bathroom because of the reports that the bathroom is hotter than the room. They find that to be true and turn on their EMF reader which spikes almost at once. They leave the bathroom to test the EMF which immediately stops spiking but starts again when they return to the bathroom. The investigation is interrupted when Corey gets a message from his brother. It worries Corey because his brother is seeing the shadow man, an entity that has haunted Corey for years. They take a break and agree to meet up at 3 a.m.

Sam and Colby set up a camera to film them in case anything happens and set alarms for 3 a.m. They climb into the bed after changing into shorts and fall asleep immediately because they are so tired.

The alarm going off wakes the two from a deep sleep. Colby grabs his phone to call Corey. When Corey doesn't answer, he calls Jake who also doesn't answer. They discuss and decide to end the video but keep the camera rolling just in case.

Around 3:30, Sam wakes up in pain from the headache he had earlier. Before he can even think about waking Colby up, the other's phone rings. Sam wakes Colby up who checks his phone stating that Corey called him. Colby checks the time and discovers that it's 3:33 a.m. Doubting that Corey would just have randomly woken up at that time, they call him back but again there is no answer. Deciding just to go to their room, they grab a key and head over. Corey answers the door after a few minutes, clearly have just woken up. Colby asks if Corey called him and he says no, showing his call log that has no missed or received calls. As they're discussing the call, a loud slam sounds from outside the room. Corey opens the door to find no one in the hallway. Too tired to unpack what just happened, Sam and Colby head back to their room and plan to discuss the night in the morning.


We get back in bed and I drift off to sleep. I wake up shortly later to movement at the end of the bed. It's Colby, holding our camera in his hands.

"Babe, what's going on? Come back to bed," I say.

"We got something," he says, his voice shaking.

"What? Why are you even up?" I ask.

"I couldn't sleep," he says.

Colby starts to show me the footage but something falls in the bathroom. We investigate to find the landline hanging off the stand. This rattles Colby who wants to leave. I agree and we start to pack up, still planning to discuss what happened later. I can tell that Colby is scared so I tell him to wait outside the room while I finish packing. I go get Jake and Corey and we wait for them down in the lobby. I pull Colby into my arms. Normally, an empty, quiet lobby would be eerie but it's not. Corey and Jake come downstairs and we regroup outside after I check out. We wait for the valet to bring our car around, my arms still around Colby. He's standing in front of me now, my arms around his waist.

"So what exactly happened?" Jake asks.

"Colby found something in our footage. Then the phone fell in the bathroom. We were rattled and Colby wanted to leave," I say.

The valet pulls up with our car and we get inside. I get in the driver's seat with Colby in the passenger seat beside me and the others in the backseat. 

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