Chapter 10: Change

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A lot has happened recently. Between Brennen and Florida, things have been crazy. Today we sat our friends down to fill them in on what happened and how things are going to change.

Flashback (Sam)

We're going back to exploring abandoned places today. It feels like we might be tempting fate after what happened two days ago. But it still seems like a cool place. We're going to a recently abandoned school in the middle of a neighborhood. We meet up with the Ireland Boys and start making our way into the school. We start walking around. I can't believe how destroyed this place is. We're near a set of windows when we hear someone shout "hey!" and a white van outside. We head upstairs, staying away from the windows. Most of our flashlights are off or pointed down so we don't attract attention. (looking back, we should have left then.)

About twenty minutes later, Nick looks out the window and sees cops surrounding the building. We know we're caught then. Should we leave or try to wait them out? I don't know what to do so I let the others decide. They decide to find a place to hide. We settle on a closet and shut ourselves in. It's cramped and I'm squeezed between Colby and the wall. I'm sure Colby can feel me shaking.

"Sam, you okay?"

"I'm scared."

"Don't worry, we'll be okay," he says.

We're waiting for ten, maybe fifteen minutes before someone starts yelling through a megaphone. We can't hear them clearly but we're pretty sure they're about to send dogs to find us. We leave our hiding place and head downstairs, not wanting to deal with dogs. Nick calls out to let the cops know we're coming out.

As soon as we're outside, they separate us, taking each of us to a corner and with a different officer. It makes me uneasy to be separated from the others. I try to explain who we are and what we were doing there. The other officers come over to discuss. Most seem to want to let us go but the sheriff overruled them. He wants to teach us a lesson. They place us into separate cars to take us to the station. I end up in the sheriff's car and going to another crime scene.


I get to the jail before the others. I sit in the corner, trying not to draw attention to myself. Finally, Ricky arrives (Nick went to Juvie) and sits next to me. Having someone here I know helps but I wish Sam would arrive. After two hours, he finally sits down next to me.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Yeah fine considering the circumstances. You?"


We stay with each other, sitting in a row. We talk quietly, waiting to hear our charges and bail amount. Ricky and Sam are charged with one felony, trespassing on a construction site. Ricky and Sam are bailed out, Ricky by his dad and Sam bailing himself out. I have to stay because I was charged with three felonies, the trespassing charge and my two fake ids. I can't bail myself out so I have to watch Ricky and Sam walk out, leaving me behind.

I'm directed to the back where the individual cells are. I'm alone until someone can bail me out. It's 3 am now and I'm put in a cell to wait until court in the morning. I try to sleep but I'm too afraid. My mind strays to Sam, forming his image in my mind. Just then, my cellmate screams, scaring me. Yeah, sleep is not going to be an option tonight.

The morning comes and we head to court. Basically all they did was read our charges, bail amount and whether we could bail ourselves out. Once court is over, they transfer me to the felon pod. I see a cart with books on it so I grab one and head to my cell to read.

Late in the afternoon, my name is called. Worried, I stand up and walk over to the guard. He tells me that I've been bailed out. He leads me out and I collect my belongings. I head out into the station and see Sam waiting there for me. The guard lets us out the back, Sam explain that there are a lot of fans waiting outside for us. I find my voice when we're in the car and driving away.

"Have you slept?"

"No. I was too worried about you," he says.

"When we get to the hotel, you're sleeping," I say.

"Only if you do," he counters.


We get into our hotel room and I go to shower and change. When I get out, Sam's asleep. I lay down next to him and wrap my arms around him. He opens his eyes and meets mine.

"Hey Colbs?"


"I'm so glad you're out of there," he says.

"Me too," I say. "Now let's sleep."

He nods and settles into my arms, closing his eyes. We wake up later and quickly eat then go back to sleep.

When we wake up in the morning, we discuss the future of our channel. We decide to take a two week break and change our content completely. We update the fans, explaining as much as we can legally and promising to be back. 

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