Chapter 11: A new start

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Third Person

Sam and Colby are preparing for their new start. They research many places before selecting the Stanley Hotel in Colorado. They get Corey and Jake on board while keeping the location a secret.

The night before

Sam and Colby leave their apartment to pick up Corey. They arrive back home and invite Jake over. They fill Jake and Corey in on the details; the location and stories about the hotel.

The psychic- Sam

We bring the psychic upstairs to our apartment. We all sit down on the couch to find out our fate. She tells us that Jake and I will be fine while Colby and Corey have something coming up in the future. She mentions that she sees black in Colby's future. I look over at him and see a brief flash of worry in his eyes. I grab his hand, trying to comfort him. She ends the reading by telling us to protect ourselves because this will be dangerous.


We stand in a circle to take a moment to breathe before checking in. We join hands and Colby laces our fingers together. We collectively take a few deep breaths before entering. We check in and explore the grounds and the hotel while we wait for our room to be ready. There's a lot of construction, especially in the concert hall, so we agree to come back later. We're all tired so we decide to rest before our investigation tonight.

Jake and Corey rest for a bit then leave to get food for all of us and a speaker for the spirit box. Colby and I lay down next to each other. Colby falls asleep almost immediately but I stay awake looking at him before falling asleep myself. Colby shifts in his sleep, waking me up.

"Colbs? you okay?" I ask, shaking him awake.

"Hmm? yeah," he says sleepily. "Hold me," he adds.

I wrap my arms around him and he lays his head on my chest. I run my fingers through his hair and he falls asleep. I sigh contentedly and close my eyes.


We arrive back at the hotel and see Sam and Colby asleep on the bed. Sam is holding Colby tightly and Colby's head is on his chest. I raise my eyebrows at Jake.

"Are they dating?" I whisper.

"Maybe, they've always been close like that though," he whispers back.

Jake puts their food in the fridge and sits down at the table to eat with me. About a half hour later, Sam wakes up and I hand him some food. He wakes Colby up.

"Colbs, want some food?" he asks.

Colby nods and sits up. Sam heats up the food for them and sits down next to Colby on the bed to eat. After eating, we rest for a little bit longer then head out to explore and investigate.

We head to the concert hall and wander around. I take pictures with my phone to see if we can capture something. Scrolling through the photos, I notice that I captured a little kid in one of the photos. I show the others and I can tell that the image frightens them, especially Colby. Colby and I want to leave so we head back to the room. We start the séance when we get to the room and immediately noises sound from all around us. We start feeling scared and unsettled so we end the séance and call it a night.

We wake up in the morning and talk about what happened during the night. We all admit that we had weird dreams except for Jake. Colby seems really shaken so while Jake and Corey wait for our ride, I check in with him.

"Colbs?" I ask, touching his arm. "Talk to me."

"I dreamt I lost you Sam."

"Oh Colbs-"

I pull him into my arms and kiss his forehead.

"I'm not going anywhere. I love you."

"I love you too Sam. But what the psychic said really worried me."

"Whatever it is, we'll face it together," I say.

I continue to hold him and he finally relaxes. Corey and Jake tell us that our ride is here so we head out to the car. The driver brings us to the airport and we wait to board our flight. We're finally on our way back home. Colby puts his arm around me and I curl up next to him. A few hours later, we arrive back home. We head up to my room and collapse onto the bed, exhausted.

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