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(art is not mine <3)

Y/n POV:

Aizawa had been sitting in the corner of the cafe he dropped me off at for about an hour. He was reading quietly and would doze off to sleep every so often. I felt his eyes wonder on me from time to time, I would pretend I didn't realize just so my face wouldn't flush pink when our eyes met.

"Y/n you can take your half hour." I nodded, taking off my apron and grabbing two coffees. One black, like Aizawa drank his, the other with a little cream and sugar. I wondered over to the handsome dark haired man who was currently reading through one of his books. He noticed me walking towards him and looked up, a soft smile appeared on his lips.

"Couldn't stay away huh?" He smirked, eyeing me up and down slowly. I felt my cheeks get warm and I sat down across from him, running a finger across the top of his book. "Tell me what you're reading." I hummed.

"Just teaching philosophy. Boring stuff, y/n." He picked up the coffee I had sat down for him and took a sip, not taking his eyes off of me. "I can't help but imagine you bent over against the counter." He whispered as he took another sip of his coffee, "I have to leave soon, work." I nodded as I began to sip my own coffee. My hands fell in the center of the table and Aizawa put his firm hand over mine, rubbing my palm with his thumb, "You look pretty when you make coffee." I giggled at him, knowing he was full of it. "Oh you're such a flirt. I can't imagine the faces I make during a rush."

We talked back and forth until my break was over, Aizawa leaded over the table and placed a kiss on my forehead, "I'll see you later baby." I blinked softly taking in his gentle tone. He got up from the table carrying his coffee and left quietly. I went back to work, clearing off the tables in the cafe and restocking the fridges.

(Time skip: End of Y/n's shift, 9:15PM)

As I walked home I checked my phone assuming Aizawa would have texted me but he didn't. I figured he got caught up with work or patrolling, we'd spent the past couple nights together so it was weird getting home and him not being in my bed. I kicked off my shoes and threw down my bag and headed to the kitchen to make some mint tea and a sandwich. I pulled out my phone again, sending Aizawa a quick text.

Y/n (9:38PM):
I'm bored without you.

I signed at sat down my phone, wondering to my bathroom to draw a hot bath. As I stripped down I looked at my phone again, still nothing from Aizawa. I stared at it for a moment longer before grabbing it to take a sexy picture. I sat down in the warm bubbly water, covering most of my body with the bubbles, just enough of my chest showing to spark his interest. I quickly sent a picture, still waiting to hear from him.

Y/n (10:02PM):
Wonder if what you're doing
is more entertaining than this?
[Image Attached]

I sighed loudly to myself, sitting my phone down again. It was weird that Aizawa hadn't responded. Even when he was at work he was pretty responsive, I started to worry about him. Then the worrying about him turned into worrying about me. Did I do something weird? Is that why he wasn't answering?

Suddenly I heard my phone buzz, I picked it up quickly, staring at the message that buzzed across it:

Bird Brain (10:05PM):
Is it wrong that I'm still thinking
about you?

I rolled my eyes, not even who I wanted to talk to right now.

Y/n (10:08PM):

Bird Brain (10:09PM):
I think you like it. When you get
tired of sleepy man let me know.

Y/n (10:13PM):
Not going to happen

Bird Brain (10:14PM):
Don't play hard to get, y/n.
I know you like what you felt the
night we were at the club.

My face got warm reading Hawks message, I knew exactly what he was talking about and it was the fact that I grabbed his throbbing cock through his pants when we were all over each other at the club. I can't even lie, in the moment I was D O W N. Even though Hawks had a certain.... energy about him.... He exudes sexual something...

Y/n (10:17PM):
Don't know what you're
talking about.

Bird Brain (10:19PM):
Let me cum refresh your
memory, baby bird.

Y/n (10:21PM):
Go to bed.

Bird Brain (10:23PM):
Not without you

Y/n (10:25PM):
Can't, taking a bath.

Bird Brain (10:26PM):
Now you're being a tease.

Y/n (10:29PM):
Night Hawks

I sighed and clicked out of our messages. Even if I was sexually attracted to Hawks I had to be careful. Aizawa meant a lot more to me and I knew how much he despised Hawks cockiness when it came to me. I clicked on Aizawa and my conversation, staring at the unread messages.

Y/n (10:32PM):
Hope you're okay

I slowly got out of the bath and dried myself off. I had a feeling I wasn't going to hear from Aizawa tonight and it had me bothered. He had even said he was going to see me later, and now he wasn't even responding to my texts. I figured something big might have come up at work, he is a pro hero after all. Once I got dressed I got into bed flopping into the emptiness. My hands grazed Aizawa's side of the bed, searching for his old t-shirt he'd leave in my bed. I found it under his pillow and pulled it close to my chest, still smelling his familiar scent on it. My eyes fluttered shut as I imagined his body next to mine, thinking about the warmth he brought me as we slept softly side by side.

The Darker Side (Shouta Aizawa x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now