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Y/n's POV:

I stirred softly at the sound of Pepper's soft purring in my ear. My eyes opened slowly, finding the orange cat spread across the pillow Aizawa always uses at night. I smiled and rubbed between her ears gently.

I rolled out of bed and grabbed a black tee from Aizawa's drawers, throwing it over my body. His house was always oddly quiet but in the best way, I wandered to the kitchen and grabbed a mug, filling it with the lukewarm coffee that Aizawa had made before leaving for work. I stared at the clock on the stove, 12:34PM. Sometimes I did have a sleeping problem. I sat at the nook in the kitchen, staring out the window watching the birds.

*Time skip, 3 hours later*

I wrapped my hair in a towel, throwing it up on my head. From the front of the house I could hear a set of keys rattling near the door, Aizawa's soft feet strode in, closing the door. I could hear him place his things down and sigh softly, "Y/n" he said quietly. His steps got closer until he was standing in the doorway of his room, a soft smile appeared on his face when we locked eyes. Pepper was in his arms, laying nonchalantly against his chest. His eyes analyzed my face, then slowly moved down my body. I reached up, running the towel around my head through my hair one more time before hanging it up. I turned back towards the bathroom mirror, Aizawa approached me gently, putting Pepper down before he entered the bathroom.

I watched him as he approached me, his firm hands finding my hips. His hair tickled the back of my neck as he leaned in to kiss my cheek softly, watching me in the mirror the entire time. His hand wandered up my body, holding my face and shifting it to look at him. His mouth smelled faintly of peppermint and I realized I was holding my breath as I stared into his dark eyes. His thumb traced over my lower lip, I could feel the heat moving to my cheeks. He smirked at me, I spoke softly, watching his lips the entire time, "How was work?" My voice was quiet, almost a whisper, "Good." He smiled, placing a kiss against my neck. "I missed you." He said, continuing to kiss against my neck. I leaned back against his body as his grip tightened on my hips, I felt his lips gently suck on my neck, "You'll leave a mark." I gasped softly, he chuckled lowly, "I know." I melted into him as his hands found the towel that was wrapped around my body and unwrapped me. The towel his the ground with a soft thud and Aizawa pulled back away from my neck. His eyes examined me in the mirror, lustfully taking in every inch of my body. My nude body was outlined by his dark silhouette, still dressed from head to toe in black.

Aizawa's mouth found my shoulder, placing kisses all over my shoulder up my neck. His mouth found my ear, biting it softly. I let out a soft moan and found his voice in my ear, "Play with yourself." He groaned, dominance in his voice. His hand found mine, placing it near my wetness. He smirked when I slid a finger over my slit without question, my lip quivering as soon as I did. He watched me attentively, his eyes moving down my body. I could feel his warm breath at my neck.

I rubbed my clit softly, moving my finger back and forth until I felt wetness between my lips. Aizawa's smirk remained on his face as I moved my hand faster, soft noising barely escaping my mouth. "Here." His smirk settled on his face and he firmly grabbed the wrist that was rubbing my clit, he pulled it to his mouth and slowly put my pointer and middle finger in his mouth. I watched him as he sucked on my fingers, his spit coating them, once he was finished he returned my fingers back to my wetness, the new wetness of them made me wince, Aizawa kissed against my neck as I did, making me moan loudly. The lust beamed across his face, his hand found my wetness and I let my hand fall limp beside my side. I braced my weight against him as his fingers worked away at my clit, his eyes clung to me through the mirror, I looked into them deeply, not holding back the sounds and faces he was getting out of me. I felt his finger slip inside of me, gasping as his other hand continued to work at my clit, "Don't, stop..." I moaned longingly, his eyes were dark and sexy, enjoying every bit of my begging moans.

I knew Aizawa felt my body tense up as I got ready to cum for him, gripping the back of his head with my fingers through his hair, I leaned back to look at him instead of through the mirror. "I'm gonna cum." I worked out before I climaxed on his fingers, his pace didn't slow as I throbbed on them. He kissed my neck as my tbrobbing slowed, slowing his fingers but not fully stopping. I sighed softly, leaning my head back against his body. His fingers moved ever so slightly as he grazed my clit one final time. I felt him thrust my weight over his shoulders, carrying me to his bed. He placed me down, walking to his closet to get sweats and a shirt for me. He walked over to me and slowly dressed me, kissing my lips once he was finished. "What do you want for dinner?" He whispered as he tucked my hair behind my ear, I held his jaw in my hand, rubbing my thumb against his face. I stared at him for a moment, soft silence sat between us, "Chinese? Burgers? Thai?" He gave me a kiss between each option. I shrugged, "Anything." And grabbed him for a long kiss, sliding our tongues in and out of each others mouths. He backed away from me, "Okay, I'm gonna go order food, I'll be right back." He walked down the hallway until I couldn't hear his feet anymore.

I sat back in the bed, resting my head against the wall. My phone buzzed against his nightstand, I reached for it, looking at the unread texts.

Bird Brain (5:46PM):
Still on for tonight?

Bird Brain (6:01PM):
Should I get the premade ones?

Bird Brain (6:15PM):
Busy at work? Text me

I sighed and deleted the text thread, then got up and walked towards the kitchen.

(PS: sorry for taking forever to update!!! i thought of another random plot line for this story. again, this is basically so i can write smut, so if you like the plot line i'm glad... but if not............. think about the smut. xoxoxox)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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