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(art is not mine)

Y/n's POV: 3 days later

I felt myself stir awake, a hand running through my hair. My eyes stay shut with the soothing motion almost putting me back to sleep until I realized Aizawa isn't the one running his fingers through my hair, for a moment it almost shocks me opening my eyes to see Hawks blonde hair and golden eyes. They flicker down at me and smile softly, regardless of what Hawks means to me, he is damn ass cute. His hand lingers through my hair and touches my cheek gently.

"I wanted you to wake up before I left." He says quietly, watching my face attentively. I stare at him, feeling my swelled eyes from my on and off crying the past few nights.

"You slept on the couch again." I say with a small laugh, Hawks had crashed on my couch ever since Aizawa left my house the other night, yet we hadn't even shared more than a kiss other than that night.

His eyes glare at me slightly saying more than what actually came out of his mouth, "I'm not what you want." I cock my head to the side, squinting at him, "You don't know what I want." He smirks, wrong thing for me to say, "Oh I do." He coos in a dominant tone. His thumb rubs against my face, he just barely traces it down my neck, pulling away when I fall into him. I can barely stop myself from moving with his hand, annoyed that he didn't fulfill the touch. "But you can't have it." He smirked, getting up off the bed, he pointed to his sweater, "You really like that one huh." He smirked cockily, that sweet morning Hawks didn't last long. I rolled my eyes at him.

I watched him as he fastened his belt around his waist, he looked up at me and my face got hot, realizing I was kind of staring too hard, "Need a ride to work?" He whispered, his wings fluttering ever so slightly, almost in a... seductive way? I snapped out of the trace I was in, "No I'll just wal- Wait how do you even know I work?" He smirked again, "I know a lot about you."

He smiled as he walked out of my room, I followed him to the door, he stood in the doorway as I approached him and again, he gently caressed my face, his other hand landing firmly on my hip, he watched me as I slowly locked eyes with him, "Maybe I'll visit you if you're a good girl." He winked, our lips nearly touching. The smirk grew on his face as our lips lingered just out of reach from one another, "Cya later baby bird." He turned away from me and walked out of the front door, walking down a flight of steps to an opening then taking off into the sky. I sighed deeply, then walked back to my room to get ready for work.

Once it was time to leave I locked up my house, walking down the stairs and on my normal route to work. I truly couldn't stop thinking about Aizawa. Hawks is a GREAT distraction, I'll give him that. But he's right, I don't really want him, I don't. I want Aizawa but I'm fucking pissed at him. I looked down at my phone, considering texting him but fuck. No. I won't. He fucked up this time, not me.

I got to work and Liz was already there waiting. Her eyes widened seeing me walk through the door, at first I thought it was from excitement, but then they shifted to the back corner of the store and what do you know, as soon as I turned there was the one and only, Shouta Aizawa, sulking in the booth where we first interacted.

His eyes flickered to me, then outside, then back to me. They slowly dropped to the ground, then focused back on his (I guessing) black coffee.

Again? I thought to myself, after he was JUST at my house the other night.

I huffed softly, rolling my eyes and turning away from him. I walked behind the counter and Liz walked up to me immediately, "He's been here since we opened....." She was talking in a low voice, "That's his FOURTH black coffee." See, I knew it was black. I sighed, "Can't you kick him out."

Liz gave me a funny look, and I already knew what she was going to say, "For what?!" her reaction made me laugh a little, "I don't know, basically cheating on me." I shrugged, saying that a little too loudly, kind of on purpose.

I decided I'd ignore Aizawa until Liz actually had to kick him out when we closed. Even with my effort to ignore him, I would still catch myself stealing glances at him every now and then. I always got mad when he caught me staring at him, like damn, can you mind your business?

3 hours passed on my shift when somebody.... that Aizawa hates... walked through the door, "Ah, there she is." Hawks hummed, his eyes moving up and down my body like they always do. He didn't even noticed Aizawa, who was now fuming in the corner must I add.

I decided to be a little... rude, leaning in to Hawks and looking at him with big puppy dog eyes, "Hmm Hawks," I cooed, "What can I get for you." He smirked, "Just a coffee, but extra sweet." His eyes cut through mine, locking into me. I quickly grabbed a coffee, actually making it extra sweet, as I was handing it to him his hand landed on mine, holding it a moment to long. "Lovely seeing you, baby bird." He winked, then turned around, leaving as smooth as he left.

My eyes flickered to Aizawa, whose hands were balled into fists on the table. I turned to Liz, who was giving me a weird look, I shrugged, "What?" laughing a little. She raised her eyebrow, "You're being messy and I can't tell if I love it or not." I smiled, smacking her with the towel that was in my hand. Her eyes widened and moved across the store. She cleared her throat, "Uhm, y/n..." She pointed behind me and before she said anything else I could feel his presence. I turned, facing Aizawa.

We stared at each other for a long moment. I could almost see the anger filling up behind his eyes, his voice nearly startled me when he spoke, "Y/n, can I talk to you." A long pause sat in the air, "Why." I said flatly. He stared at me harder, anger bubbling inside him, "I think you know why." I threw up a hand at him, "Sure, talk." His head turned slightly,  letting out an exhausted sigh "Somewhere, private?" I laughed a little, "Oh, now you want to be private huh." I turned away, wiping down the counter. Aizawa cleared his throat, "Y/n, please." He said softly, I can't lie, I missed hearing him say my name already. I turned to Liz and she nodded, pointing to the back door. I sighed, and walked around to the front of the counter, walking away from Aizawa and toward the front door. I heard his quiet footsteps behind me, once we stepped outside we were in a little alley behind the store. The sun had just set, and I could see the stars. glimmering a little in the sky.

The door closed quietly behind us, as soon as it shut Aizawa moved close to me, pushing my body against the wall with his tender hands on my hips.

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