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(art is not mine)

Y/n's POV:

My legs felt cold as took in a deep breath, my mouth dry. I slowly opened my eyes to realize that something covered them. As I came to I felt my hands bound at my back, my heart began to race in my chest once I thought back to what happened before I got wherever the hell I was. I moved my head slightly against my shoulder, struggling to pull the cloth down from my eyes. I heard a soft movement and stopped moving completely, I could hear my heartbeat in my ears. I shivered softly, chills running down my body.

"Oh?" An unfamiliar voice hummed from across the room. I listened attentively, "Someone's awake, huh?" I heard the voice getting closer with a pair of gentle footsteps. The voice seemed to be the same one I heard at my apartment, but I truly couldn't remember. Suddenly I felt a hand at my chin, pulling my face upward and the cloth off of my eyes. I can only imagine how I looked as the tall man in front of my held my chin in his hands, which I realized were a deep purple color, similar to the skin around his jaw and eyes.

He smirked at me as I jerked away from his touch. "Did you have a good nap? Princess." He whispered so quietly it was almost like I was reading his lips. He dropped my face from his hands, walking away from me and leaning against the door farthest from me, his eyes still locked on me. He leaned his head back against the wall and pulled a cigarette from his coat pocket, using a blue flame that sparked out of no where to light it. He took a long drag of his cigarette and flicked the ashes at the ground.

"Do you have a quirk?" He asked, pointing towards me. "Don't lie, I know." I nodded slightly. "Isn't useful, huh?" He continued, "Anyone with a useful quirk usually uses it at their job in someway, you work at a coffee shop." My eyes widened, "You're easy to follow." He smirked. I turned away from him, observing the room we were in. It was dark, only lit by few dim lamps and the walls were painted red, making it feel even more dim. There were a few shelves on the walls with an assortment of books.

After a moment I heard a quiet buzzing, the man across from me reached into his pocket, pulling out a buzzing phone. He cleared his throat then answered the phone, "Yeah?" The person on the other line talked for a bit, the man listened patiently, his head nodding every so often. "Already done." He said looking back towards me. He took another drag of his cigarette, breathing out the smoke and watching it swirl around the room.

The door to his left opening half way and I could hear another new voice call to him, his head snapped toward the doorway, "Toga, you're not suppose to come in here he already told you that." The man scoffed, still on the phone.

"But I just want to see!" The voice pleaded. The man rolled his eyes, moving them to the right to invite them in cautiously. The door widen and a blonde girl with bangs and twisted buns with wide eyes stared at me longingly. She smiled at me, and subconsciously I smiled back, the smiling dropping off of my face once I realized I... was literally kidnapped.

"Oh you're so pretty! Let's be friends. I'm Toga!" She got closer to me, her voice stayed in the same tone as she talked, high pitched and slightly over excited. I nodded softly, not wanting to anger her. "Dabi! Isn't she pretty, she wants to be my friend!" Toga held my shoulder with her hands.

The man on the far side of the room (called Dabi by Toga, so I'm assuming that's his name...) scoffed loudly, "I told you not to use my name."

Toga laughed, pushing against my shoulder, "Like it matters!" Togas face moved closer to mine so we were only inches away from each other, "What's your name? Just kidding! I know, y/n." My eyes widened and she kept talking, "What's your favorite color? What's your quirk do? Maybe I can try it! Do you have a crush? I have a crush, my crush-" the door creaked open. Toga remained focused on me, but my eyes shot to the door, so did Dabi's.

"Toga who are-" I did a double take as Hawks walked through the door, carrying a box of chicken. His demeanor changed ever so slightly, then he continued acting casual and curious. He turned to Dabi, pointing his thumb towards Toga and I. "What's this?" He asked, cool as ever. Dabi's eyes flickered to me and Toga then back to Hawks.

"Eraserheads girlfriend." He said with a shrug, "Easy way to draw them in." Hawks walked towards Toga and I, "Huh." He started, grabbing my chin, "His girlfriend? I didn't know Eraserhead had time for a girlfriend." His head tilted and then he dropped my face from his hand.

"How is this productive?" He questioned, turning to face Dabi. Dabi shrugged, "Was told to spark a small fire." Hawks grinned, "Ironic right, because your fire quirk." He laughed to himself, moving towards Dabi to hold out his fist, Dabi rolled his eyes, ignoring the smug hero.

Hawks smirked, leaning against the wall, "I think this was a bad choice. No way Eraserhead cares enough to be bothered by this, why don't you just drop her off somewhere. Forget this ever happened." He took another bite of his chicken, I watched Dabi closely, trying to make out how he was interpreting Hawks.

Also, did I mention that I'm confused? Why the hell did they kidnap me, why the hell is Hawks here, what in the hell do they want from Aizawa, and where the fuck am I?!

Dabi snorted, "Wrong." He held up my phone in his hands, waving it in front of Hawks. "Already have 18 missed calls from him. He hasn't stopped frantically texting her, kind of pathetic." Scrolling through our messages on MY PHONE.

Toga gasped, "Oh! So you do have a crush." She crossed her arms, pouting.

"How did you?!" Their heads snapped to face me, realizing I had spoken for the first time.

Dabi smiled, "No passcode, Princess. Stop talking."

Hawks sighed, "So sassy, Dabi." He moved towards the patchwork man, "But anyways what's the point in this, obviously Eraser is going to come here with others if he knows she's missing, he's not stupid, sweetie." He cooed, pointing the half eaten chicken wing at him, Dabi swatted his hand away from him, causing the wing to hit the floor, "Hey! I was eating that." Dabi rolled his eyes, "He's on his way here."

"He what?" Hawks coughed, choking on his chicken (I'm assuming). Dabi scoffed as he held out my phone again, "I said she wanted to break up with him because she's seeing someone else, then accidentally shared her location, he said 'Don't fucking move' so you can imagine what that means."

Even though he was talking to Hawks his eyes stayed on mine the entire time, watching the color drain from my face as I realized what was about to happen.

An evil smirk plastered across his face, as I sat, helpless, waiting for the worst.

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