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(art is not mine)

Y/n's POV:

"You still haven't heard from him?" Liz cocked her head in surprise, looking at me as she made an espresso shot. I shook my head, "It's been 3 days and he hasn't responded to any of my texts, the last thing he said to me was that he was going to SEE ME, LATER, like what?!" I sighed, flopping my hands against my sides. I wiped the register down, trying to keep myself occupied for the last hour of work.

"I mean, he is a pro hero, it could be something with work he couldn't tell you." I shrugged, knowing she could be right, even if he couldn't tell me he could have at least answered my messages to let me know he's okay.

"I know, it's just weird. I was even watching the news last night and didn't see anything."

"He'll be around, I know it." Liz smiled softly at me as a customer walked through the door.

"Hi! What can I-" I paused when I realized who was standing in front of me, I'll give you one hint, red wings.

"Ah, hello baby bird." Hawks cooed at me, smiling smug as he stood in front of me, his giant red wings filling the front of the store, truthfully it was hard to not stare at them, "Did you miss me?" He winked.

"You wish." I made a face at him, "What can I get for you, Hawks." He hummed, "A date." smiling his smug smile back at me. "I'll admit Hawks, you're hard to say no to, but, no." He looked behind me, recognizing Liz, he called out to her, "Liz, don't you think y/n should give me a chance." Liz looked at Hawks, then back to me, I was almost scared for her answer, "Why not." She laughed softly, shrugging once I made an annoyed face at her. "See, y/n, everyone agrees. Go on a date with me. This place closes in an hour I'll be back for you." I sighed, "Fine Hawks, but you can't be weird." I pointed at him, "And tell me what you want." He backed away from the register, smile beaming on his face, "I already got what I want." He smirked, "I'll be back for you in an hour." He turned away, walking out of the store.

I turned to look at Liz, scolding mother vibes already appearing on my face. She whined, "Hey!! You're single and he's hot!" I rolled my eyes, "Aizawa HATES him, I swear." Liz put a hand on her hip, "Aizawa has been mia for almost 4 days, and that man is still not your boyfriend." I thought to myself for a second, I mean, she had a point.

The next hour pasted slowly since no one really got coffee at 8PM, Liz and I closed the store, locking up for the night. I heard footsteps behind me, knowing their sound almost too easily, "Ah, y/n, miss me?" Hawks smiled at me, looking at me with his piercing eyes. I watched them move down my body and linger on my hips, "I'll see you later." Liz giggled, walking away from us.

"Take my arm, won't you." Hawks held out his arm and I stared at him cautiously, "Come on, you know you want to." I rolled my eyes, grabbing his arm softly. I realized he was quit buff under his coat, I never really noticed until I had my hands around his bicep. We continued walking down the street until we arrived to a small ice cream store, Hawks opened the door for me, waving a hand to motion me to walk through the door. "Ladies first." He cooed.

He walked in after me, his large wings filling every room we walked into. I looked over the flavors of ice cream, trying to decide what I'd order, "I'll take a small cone of birthday cake but in a waffle cone good sir." Hawks said to the young kid working the register, he nodded, walking over to grab a cone. "Birthday cake, huh?" I giggled, looking at his smiley face. The boy came back with Hawks birthday cake waffle cone and looked at me, "I'll just get a scoop of peach please, in a cup." He nodded and walked away from us.

Hawks licked his ice cream, looking at me, "Peach," He paused, looking at my lips, "interesting." His eyes scanned my body again and I turned around, grabbing the ice cream from the boy. Hawks paid and we walked out of the store.

"Thank you." I said quietly, taking a bite of my ice cream. Hawks nodded, sitting down outside of the store at one of the benches that lined the sidewalk, I sat behind him and felt his arm wrap around me.

"Wanna try?" He said, motioning towards his half licked ice cream, I leaned in, licking it. I felt him watch me intently as I backed away. "I'm not going to say what I just thought." He said flatly, pulling the cone back to his mouth. I held out my cup motioning towards him, "Wanna bite of mine?" He nodded and I picked up the spoon, giving him a bite of my ice cream. "Aren't you kind." He mummed, tapping at my shoulder.

We sat for a little longer, having random small talk. Hawks finished his ice cream, getting up to throw away our trash. He sat back down and placed a hand on my thigh, "I'm glad you came with." He winked, placing his hand on my chin and tilting my face towards his. "Me" I whispered, "too." He smiled before placing a soft kiss on my lips. His tongue slid into my mouth, playing with my tongue. He was kissing me differently than he had the night at the club. Once our tongues played back and forth for a moment he pulled away, gliding his thumb across my bottom lip. "You taste like peach." I bit my lip, still staring at his mouth. "I'll walk you home." He smirked, standing up and grabbing my hand.

The Darker Side (Shouta Aizawa x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now