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(art is not mine)

Y/n's POV:

"I don't know I'm just .... nervous." Aizawa looked over me as he drove down the street, grabbing my knee with his hand firmly. "You don't have a reason to be nervous, I'll be there the whole time." I smiled at him, placing my hand over his and rubbing it softly. "Besides," he started, "I don't talk to that many people, Mic just always has the best food." I laughed softly, "Oh and he has a few cats." Aizawa smiled at that thought, his eyes widening at the thought of cats....

Once we arrived to Mic's house we walked into the front door, the house was large and modern. There were already tons of people there, as I scanned the room I did recognize a few heroes I'd seen in popular articles or even in the news. Aizawa grabbed my hand, pulling me close to him as we walked through the crowed house. Every now and then someone would stop to greet him and Aizawa would nod, acknowledging them but not giving them the time of day. Very him.

"There's Mic." Aizawa said as he walked into the kitchen, Mic spotted him automatically, "The one and only ERASERHEAD!" Mic said LOUDLY. Aizawa squinted and nodded, pulling me over towards him, Mic's eyes caught mine, observing my face, "And this must be," he started, "Y/n." Aizawa and Mic both said in unison. Mic giggled and pretend whispered at me, "He talks about you a lot." I smiled, looking at Aizawa whos face, was beet red, for the first time EVER. "Look at him, too smitten to say a word." Mic pushed playfully at Aizawa, "Well help yourselves to food, drinks, whatever! It's nice to finally meet you, y/n." I nodded, "You too." I said softly.

Aizawa looked at me, "Do you want a drink?" He pointed towards the open bar, I shook my head, "No, it's okay. I'll drive home since you drove us here." Aizawa nodded, leaning to kiss my cheek softly as he walked to the bar grabbing himself a drink and me a water. When he returned he pulled me towards the balcony, "I want to show you this." I followed him to the balcony which was huge, almost like a large backyard. There was seating everywhere, an open bar out here, and even a hot tub. "Look at the stars from here." Aizawa said, pointing to the sky. I looked up, taking in the bright twinkles above us. "Something about the stars reminds me of you." Aizawa said quietly as he looked up at them. I turned, my eyes examining his pretty face. "When I'm on night patrol and they're out and beautiful like that, I just want to take them home with me to..." He paused, clearly in thought, "give to you or something..." He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. "It sounds stupid when I say it out loud." I shook my head, pulling his face toward mine, "I love it." I said softly, placing a kiss on his lips. He smiled, pushing my hair behind my ear. I watched his eyes linger across my face, flickering towards my lips then placing another gentle kiss on them.

A voice called out to us, "Is that the Erasure hero?" A cocky voice prodded, across from us stood Hawks who was now wandering towards us. "Nice to see you, Hawks." Aizawa responded tightly. He finished his beer, grabbing another from the bar behind us and cracking it open, drinking it surprisingly fast.

Hawks looked at me, running his eyes down my body so slowly it was painful knowing Aizawa's eyes were searing through him. Hawks eyes lingered on my hips, smirking and coming back to meet my eyes, "Y/n," he started, "You look," Long pause.... Awkward silence... Aizawa's body heat radiating off his body... "great." He smiled, his wings moving softly. "Thank you." I replied flatly. Aizawa's hand found my waist and he pulled me towards his body. "Good seeing you." He said roughly, his eyes furrowing as he spoke, we started walking away when Hawks grabbed my wrist, "Oh, y/n." I could feel Aizawa's body tighten as his eyes landed on Hawks hand, "I'll find you later to chat." He winked and walked away as if it was as natural as the sky being blue. Aizawa let out a huff and walked towards the door, leaving me behind, "Nice." He said, full of annoyance, "Uhm? Sho?" I questioned, confused where he was going. "I have to piss." He said angrily, throwing the door open. "Go find your friend."

I rolled my eyes, so much for I'll be there the whole time. I thought, sitting down towards the edge of the balcony. A glass fence wrapped around the entire thing, making it feel like we were floating. I figured Hawks would set Aizawa off if he saw him, but damn, now I'm out here alone. I sat by myself for a while, sipping at the water Shouta had brought me earlier. Ten minutes passed and Aizawa still hadn't returned. It's fine, maybe he needs space.

As if on cue, Hawks walked out of the door, noticing me right away. He moved towards me, his smirk softly plastered on his face, he sat down next to me, running a finger against my thigh before shifting his drink into his hand, "Y/n, so classic of you to be left alone." He whispered, his eyes focusing on my lips. I ignored him, knowing Aizawa would be back soon, we sat in silence for a moment until I spoke,"You wanted to talk?" Hawks nodded, "Yeah, but we can't be around this many people." His tone became more serious than before, his eyes shifted to mine and his face changed. Clearly he wasn't pulling as much flirty shit as normal. I nodded, "Just for a second..." I agreed, getting up and following Hawks through the door.

Once we got in the kitchen I froze in my tracks, watching Aizawa hold the chin of a random blonde woman. She had her hand on his, rubbing it softly. His lips were so close to hers they almost touched as she whispered something to him, he smirked, nodding at her. I slammed the door behind Hawks and I. Hawks mouth had dropped open, and the room fell a little more quiet than it was. Aizawa's eyes popped up, looking at me as his face drained of color. "You have to be kidding." I scoffed, pushing through the kitchen where Aizawa had led me earlier, "Y/n!" I heard Aizawa shout, "It's not what it looks like." I turned, catching his eyes, I pointed to me, then him, "This was a mistake. A stupid stupid mistake." I felt tears push against my eyes but I blinked them away, turning around and pushing into the living room.

The crowd in the living room was still loud, and I noticed Mic, who noticed me, who noticed Aizawa chasing after me, a concerned look came across his face, "Y/n?" he questioned, "What's wrong?" I laughed, Aizawa following after me, I turned and looked at Aizawa, then back to Mic, "I'm sure Shouta can explain it for you." I opened the door aggressively, not even thinking about anything else and slammed it. Walking down the long hill Aizawa drove up earlier. I felt tears well in my eyes and I pulled my heels off, walking on the wet ground. "So stupid!" I said aloud.

I walked by myself for a few minutes, crying softly until I got to the bottom of the hill. "Guess I'll, call a taxi or some shit?" I said to myself, pulling out my phone. Aizawa had already texted me 5 times, clearly drunk.

Sho (9:48PM)
Pleaases com back

Sho (9:49PM)
It looked bad, but it
wasnsly Y/n I prominse

Sho (9:49PM)
Wheeerre are you

Sho (9:50PM)
Once I'm no drunk I
well tell you whant happened

Sho (9:51PM)
I love you

I sniffled, my nose runny from crying. I sat down on the curb, not knowing what to do with myself. "Y/n." I heard that familiar voice and I looked up, realizing Hawks was in the sky flying towards me. He landed on the ground, holding a hand out towards me, "Let me take you home." I looked away from Hawks, rubbing my already puffy eyes. I stood up, taking his hand as we took to the sky.

The Darker Side (Shouta Aizawa x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now