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(art is not mine, this time i know it's from kiwiseeeds on tumblr, we're (i'm) getting a little attached to Hawks at this point can't lie, also, i love reading the comments you all make, i literally lol half the time)


Y/n's POV:

My eyes widen a little as I realized what Hawks had said. His gaze was set on me and I avoided his eyes, I turned my head away from him, "Hawks you don't mean-" he grabbed my face, pulling it back to look at him, "Oh, y/n, I know exactly what I mean."

He moved closer to my face, "I want him to realize what he lost." He cooed closely to my neck, reaching up and kissing softly on my ear, my heart raced a little, both nervous, horny, and surprised. I snapped out of the Hawks-trance for a moment, realizing he must have realized I was with Aizawa, "Are you talking about A-" Hawks held my chin attentively with his hand, pushing his thumb against my lips to stop me from talking. His other hand lingered up to my neck, tracing it softly with the tip of his finger, he circled a spot around my collarbone, giving me chills, "You think I didn't see his fucking bite marks covering your neck?" His fingers outlined each one, "He acts like he owns you."

His voice was more firm now, his grip on my jaw tightening as he spoke, he removed his thumb from my lips, rubbing my cheek with it, I could feel an embarrassed blush coming across my cheeks, I spoke softly, "I didn't think you'd notice tha-" Hawks scoffed, "You act like you're so fucking innocent, all, the, time." He stopped me from talking again, this time more aggressively, shoving his thumb in my mouth, waiting for me to suck on it. At first I glared at him slightly and quickly folded as his golden eyes glimmered in the dimly lit hallway as he spoke, "But really," A small smirk forming as he spoke quietly, "You're a fucking whore." His smirk grew as my tongue moved around his thumb, watching me with all the patience in the world, "Atta girl." He cooed, his eyes glued on my mouth. He pulled his thumb out of my mouth and rubbed my spit around my lips, leaning in and placing the most delicate kiss on my lips.

Hawks spoke one more time, "Yours or mine?" He whispered. I smirked, grabbing his hand and leading the way out of the club, "Yours." I mouthed, looking back at him as we wondered through the hot dark room. A dirty smile plastered on his face.

Once we were outside of the club Hawks wasted no time, he grabbed me, placing both of his hands firmly on my ass, pulling my body to his. I wrapped my legs around his body, feeling him take to the sky. He held onto me firmly and not to be that person but, I could feel his cock against my body. The feeling of it stirred something inside of me, as Hawks headed for home I grabbed his face, pulling him down for a wet kiss. He broke it off, giving a little laugh as I felt my hand on his sharp jawline.

We approached a series of homes with rooftop decks, by no surprise, Hawks landed on one of them, my body slamming against his slightly on the landing. I gasped softly, holding against his chest and he kissed into my gasp, taking my breath away for a second longer as he pulled away, me hungrily wanting more. "Eager are we?" He smirked against my lips, he continued to carry me down the stairway to his house, his hands gripping my ass tightly.

As he stepped into the door his hands worked away at my clothing, pulling at the fabric as he planted kisses all over my neck, stopping every now and then to whisper under his breath, "Why," kiss, "would," kiss, "you wear this fucking," hard sucking kiss that made me moan and him laugh, "outfit." final kiss before he sat me on top of what I imagine was his dinning room table. Outfit on the floor bedsides my bra and panties. He stepped away for a moment, admiring me. I found myself moving to cover my body with my arms and Hawks pulled them to my sides, pinning my hands with his against the glass
table, "I want to look at you." He said firmly. I nodded and relaxed, slowly growing the confidence to slide my legs further apart. His head cocked to the side, his eyebrow raising slightly. I froze as his gaze got stronger, he shook his head, "No, continue." He stated in a firm voice.

I spread my legs wide, my lace panties hanging on for dear life. Hawks smiled, looking between my legs then up to me, then back to between my legs. He moved in close to me, his face right against mine, his hands found my hips and placed too fingers under the lace of my panties, without a single sound he ripped them, exposing my wetness.

He ran a single finger between my lips, putting the finger into his mouth, "Hmmm." He thought for a moment, "Sweet slut." He grumbled, kissing me sloppily. He pulled away, talking into our kisses, "I wonder how many unworthy idiots have tasted your sweet cunt." I gasped as he stuck a finger deep inside of me, pulling back from our kiss to watch my face turn and change as soft moans escaped my mouth once his finger moved in and out of me. "Dirty girl" He mumbled under his breath, moving me closer to him. His mouth found my neck, placing wet kisses down it, moving his mouth over my chest, finding my nipples and pulling on them softly.

Another moan left my mouth unintentionally, he smirked, his tongue circling my nipple. He slowly kissed down the center of my stomach, moving down my thigh, into the center of my thighs. He placed a gentle kiss on the tender part of my thigh then bit down hard, I physically could not hold back a yelp from my mouth, grabbing his blonde hair into my hands aggressively. "Easy." He mumbled as he sucked into the center of my thighs, intertwining kisses every now and then. He had me beyond worked up and I knew exactly what he was teasing me for. The closer he moved to my wetness the more tense and needy I got. He KNEW what he was doing. He looked up at me, somehow, even in the most submissive position ever, his eyes still glared with dominance, like he was testing me to pull something and he put me in my place, and quite frankly I-

"Hawks! Can you open your fucking door?" I jumped up, throw off by a banging from the front door. Hawks sighed, placing a kiss ON my WET PUSSY LIPS. Then stood up, kissing me once before walking down the hallway into a room. He came out holding a pair of sweatpants and threw them at me, "Put these on, sweet pea." His cocky grin was back and I almost left the function in that moment. He walked towards the banging, grabbing at his hard crotch, "And let me..." He paused, adjusting himself, "tuck this...." Another pounding came from the front door, "Hawks what the-" The voice was cut off by Hawks opening it, welcoming the not so unfamiliar stranger into his house.

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