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(art is not mine)

Y/n's POV:

Dabi's eyes didn't leave me that often. I felt him looking at me no matter where he stood in the room. He held my phone in his hand, occasionally tapping it to see if I had any notifications. (I didn't....) I noticed a small smirk appear on Dabi's face as he walked towards me ever so slowly. "You know...." he started, getting closer to me. Once his face was in front of mine he reached a hand out, twirling my hair around his finger, "If your lame boyfriend ends up not coming, you can just join the LOV." I shifted my eyes away from his, avoiding eye contact. He grabbed my jawline with his patchwork hands, "You'd be fun to play with." He smirked, biting his lip.

"Better yet..." He continued, hand still firmly holding my face, "When we kill your lame boyfriend you can join the LOV anyways, or we'll just kill you too." He winked, dropping my face harshly. He stared at me for a moment, not moving away from my face. Out of no where there was a crash in the hallway, Dabi rolled his eyes, moving towards the doorway, within seconds an explosion rocked the doorframe, pushing Dabi to the ground after losing his balance.

A growling voice yelled over the commotion, I could vaguely make out an average height individual at the door, pushing his way in with more explosions, "YOU WANNA GO?! BUNCH OF NOBODIES." I quickly recognized the person and voice, Aizawa's hotheaded student.

Aizawa had somehow already gotten into the room before his student, I noticed another hole in the wall that I hadn't before hand. His eyes spotted me and I saw his body relax ever so slightly. My eyes glimmered, gazing over his dark locks that surrounded his body.

Behind the hotheaded student was the sweet green haired boy I met once before. His face was different now, serious and firm.

Before I could realize what was happening, Midoriya was sprinting towards me at an impressive speed, "Ms. L/N!!! I am here for you!" He grabbed me in his arms effortlessly (SHOCKINGLY??? How is this child so strong?!). Midoriya moved quickly around the room, bouncing from wall to wall. Dabi had begun to fight back, filling the room with flames. In an instant his blue flames halted, my head turned to meet Aizawa, his eyes glowed bright red, piercing Dabi's and taking control of his quirk.

"Damnit! Blondie I NEED YOU IN HERE." Dabi's voice echoed down the hallway

As Aizawa ran towards Dabi he caught Midoriya's eyes, "GET HER OUT OF HERE!" He yelled. Modoriya nodded his head firmly and his face became serious again. It was almost instinctive for me to resist his help, just because I could see Aizawa was in danger. Dabi reached out for him, going in to punch his jaw, Aizawa caught his hand, pushing him back against the wall. Dabi smirked, "How long can you hold out?" He laughed softly as he rammed his fist into Aizawa's gut.

I could see Aizawa's eyes getting tired, dry, wanting to blink. He turned towards the both of us again his face harsh and drained of color "GO MIDORIYA, NOW!!"

This time Midoriya was fast on his feet, faster than before. He ran into the dark hallway, fire crackling to our side, just as he began to speed down the hallway Toga stood smiling demonically in front of us. "Oh! Deku, I'm so happy to see you!" Toga moved towards us, a knife in both hands. "Why are you trying to leave? And you're taking my new friend!" Toga's face free angry as she approached us.

Behind us I heard a similar growl starting, "HEY CRAZY, COME HERE, ILL GIVE YOU SOMETHING TO SMILE ABOUT." The hotheaded boy held his hands towards Toga, sending a blast her way. She fell backwards immediately, allowing Midoriya to run past her. "Thank you Kacchan!" He yelled, I heard a "Tch." Come from the blonde before he blast at Toga again, I could tell he wanted to keep as much distance as he could between the two of them.

Midoriya continued running at an amazing speed, he held me firmly in his arms, not even bothered by the fact that he was carrying another entire human. "We're almost out, Y/n! I promise you'll be safe!" Midoriya bust through two large doors, pausing once he reached the outside of the building we were in. He paused, taking a breath, "Okay we just have to-"

"Yoohoo." A familiar voice called from above, fearing another villain has spotted us, Midoriya held onto me harder, pulling me closer to him. The both of us looked up, seeing the one and only Hawks floating above us.

The green hair boy stared starstruck for a moment, until I could tell he slowly came to a realization that created a dumbfounded look across his face, "Hawks? I don't understand, Mr. Aizawa said no other pro hero's would be able to assist us, why are you-"

"Just... never mind that." Hawks flew down towards us, landing in front of us. His calm and collective nature was no where to be found, it almost scared me by the way he rushed towards us, "I need to get you two out of here as soon as possible," Hawks himself grabbed Midoriya, who was also holding me, I yelped softly, not expecting the quick flight. "Let's go." He flew into the sky at an alarming rate. I closed my eyes, pushing my head against Midoriya's shoulder.

I began to shake profusely, even though I was safe now, the realization that I truly was kidnapped and could have been killed was sinking in, and now even worse I couldn't stop thinking about Aizawa being killed instead of me. Tears began to roll down my face, I grabbed at Hawks jacket collar, "Hawks, please," I cried, "Aizawa. He's. Aizawa." My tears began to fall rapidly and my breaths got short. I felt a hand running through my hair, attempting to soothe me. Before I could stop it, I felt my body shutting down, I closed my eyes, passing out as Hawks flew us to safety across the city.

(PS: I realize under no circumstance would Aizawa choose Bakugou and Deku for this mission but..... they're just so fun to write so I'm sorry I had to include them, hope you enjoyed xxxx)

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