𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 27

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The entire street goes quiet, and for a moment everything just stopped

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The entire street goes quiet, and for a moment everything just stopped. The paparazzi ducked, the lights stopped and everything slowed down. 

"Soph, you okay?" Axton's voice travels through the air. 

Another gunshot pierces our ears.   I literally jump, as Axton's arms wrap around me. 

Police sirens blast through the air and everyone starts yelling and panicking. 

"Soph, I'm gonna need you to stand love, we have to go inside," he tells me and I quickly grabs his extended hand and get up. 

The quiet, silent street was now fuming with people, yelling, shouting, crying. 

"Mr.McKay, the shooters have fled but from where they were standing, they were aiming for Mrs. Rivera."  Why me? 

"We're going to need some information." the police officer tells us and Axton escorts us inside the hotel. 

"Sophia, darling, are you alright?" My mother pulls me into a hug. 

"Yeah, I am, b-but they said they were aiming for me," I mumble, trying to think why anyone would want to kill me. 

"Sophia!" Amyra's voice reaches my ears as she pulls me into a hug, a very tight hug. 

"My God, are you okay?" she asks me and I nod. 

"Is Axton okay?" 

"I'm fine Myra." Axton walks over to us. 

From the corner of my eye I spot a blonde, what is he doing here? 

"What the fuck is Morgan doing here?" Axton growls. 

"I'm not sure, I didn't invite him." I mumble as  the one person I hate more than Piper, walks up to us. 

"Trey, what are you doing here?" 

"I had some uh, business in the building, but that's taken care of." he smiles, was he the one behind this? 

"Then get the fuck out of here." Axton tells him and he mumbles something before walking away. 

"Sophia, Oh my God, are you alright?" Hayley runs up to me and I nod. I didn't feel like talking. 

"We're positive the shot was aimed for Mrs, Rivera. Are there any possible suspects?" the police asks us and everyone starts thinking, but I already have an answer. 

Axton looks at me and he already knows something is up. 

"What is it?" he whispers

"I- uh-." 

"Nothing." I shake my head. 

"Soph, if you know something you have to tell us." I sigh, taking my phone out my clutch. 

"I got this message today." I show him the message from the unknown person. 

"Alright, you stay here, do, not move. Clear?" I nod as walk away to the policemen.  

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