Chapter 3

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Probably gonna end up abandoning this book like I did with my KilluGon one.

"We're here."

I look up.

The building looks old.

"Where's that weird looking guy?" Aniko asks, looking around.

"Illumi's already inside." Machi answers.

We walk up the stairs and towards the front doors. We're stopped by a guard.


"Nobunaga Hazama, Feitan Portor, Franklin Bordeau, Machi Komacine, Kalluto Zoldyck, Phinks Magcub and Aniko Tsukumo."

The guard steps aside. "Alright, go on in."

We walk inside and I notice how extravagant the place looks.

There's a buffet, a giant chandelier hanging from the ceiling and everyone there is dressed extremely nice.

I walk past a table and overhear a bit of their conversation. "Wanna remind me why I'm here again?"

"Because Kurapika needs support!"

"I highly doubt he needs support, Alluka."

My eyes widen at the name.

I look behind me and see Killua, Alluka and two of the boys who came to Kukuroo Mountain to get Killua. One has blonde hair and the other has brown. The brown haired one looks old.

I notice that the blonde one is giving me a strange look. Almost like a glare.

I shake my head and continue walking to my table.

At the table, the rest of the Troupe were sitting down, eating and conversing with one another.

"Wait. You're telling me I was calling a ZOLDYCK weird looking!?" Aniko whisper yells to me.

"Yeah." I respond.

"So, your name's Aniko?" Illumi asks.

"Yeah." She says, awkwardly picking at the food on her plate.

"Where are you from?" Phinks asks.

"Meteor City. I moved to Yorknew and got adopted when I was 7, though. " She responded.

"Adopted?" Feitan questions.

"Yeah. My parents left me at an orphanage in Yorknew because they didn't have enough money to take care of me. I was adopted into a family with a good amount of money though." She says.

"Do you ever wish to find your parents?" I ask.

"Yeah, but I'll wait until I'm older. I doubt they're even alive at this point." She says, taking a bite of her food.

"Makes sense." Franklin says.

I feel someones eyes on me.

"The chain user is staring at us." Nobunaga mentions.

"His friends too." Franklin adds.

I turn around and see Killua, Alluka, the blonde boy and the old man looking at us.

"So he knows we're here?" I ask.


"Will he attack?" Aniko asks.

"Maybe. I doubt he'd go for you or Kalluto, though." Illumi says.

"Right.. And what if he does?" She asks.

"Fight back." Machi says.

"Right." Aniko nods.

I look over at Aniko and I see her watching the group cautiously. I see her eyes widen slightly.

"Someone's coming over."

"Excuse me," I look up. The blonde boy's right beside me. "Have you seen the host?"

Why isn't he attacking us?

"Unfortunately not. Sorry." Illumi says.

"Oh, alright. Sorry for bothering you." The blonde one says.

He turns around and walks back to his table. I look at the table again. Killua is glaring at Illumi.

"That was odd." I say.

"Is that the chain user?" Aniko asks.

"Yeah. He probably didn't want to attack since there's 7 of us and one of him." Phinks says.

"He has three people with him. No doubt to help him when he does decide to attack." Machi states.

"The girl looks weak. Are you sure she'll be fighting?" Nobunaga asks.

"She's not weak." I say.

"He's a monster." Illumi spat.

"Looks like a girl to me." Aniko shrugs, tapping on her phone.

"I doubt my brother would let him fight though. He's protective of him." Illumi continues, ignoring what Aniko said.

I've never been close with Alluka but hearing someone calling her a boy makes my blood boil.

"Big Brother, I'm sure Alluka's a girl, isn't she?" I say, slight anger in my tone. Illumi frowns slightly. He looks annoyed at what I just said.

"We'll have this discussion later, Kalluto." He says.

"Okay." I respond

Just then, the doors open and Chrollo walks in.

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