Chapter 11

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School sucks.

I've been staring out the window for the past 30 minutes. The birds on the roof of the cafeteria are more interesting than a stupid book report. I hate reading. Growing up, mother made sure I was keeping up with my studies. Due to this, I read a lot which basically put me off books. Although, I will pretend to read one if I dont want to talk to anyone.

"Alright, you can pack up now."

I yawn, picking my bag up off of the floor and standing up.


Just as I'm about to leave the school, Koharu approaches me.

"Hey Kalluto!" She waves at me.


"Kenji and I were gonna go get food after school and were wondering if you want to come! Kenji's already invited Tatsuya, Shiro and Hiroshi." She says.

"Sure." I pull out my phone to text Aniko. "Let me tell my sister first."

"Okay! Meet us at the front of the school." She walks off, waving once again as she leaves.

Hey, I'm going out with some friends after school. I don't know what time I'll be home.


Alright, be safe!


I walk to the front of the school and see everyone waiting for me. Kenji spots me first, grinning and waving me over.

"Hey!" He says, throwing an arm around my shoulder.

"Hey." I smile.

As we walk, Koharu and Kenji start bickering about something while the other three laugh. I tune them out and wonder where we're going for food.

"Where are we gonna get the food?" Shiro asks.

"Well, we're getting smoothies first and then we're going to my dad's cafe!" Koharu answers.

"Smoothies? I love smoothies!" Tatsuya exclaims.

"Yeah! The ones from Sakura's are the best." Kenji says.

Everyone nods in agreement.


When we walk into Sakura's Smoothies, I feel like I'm being watched again. I look around the store and see someone with blonde hair walk out. The feeling stops when they leave. It's creepy.

"Kalluto?" I hear my name being called.

"Sorry. What were you saying?"

"You apologize an awful lot." Kenji laughs. "What flavor do you want?"

"Oh. I'll get an apple and banana smoothie please." I say, reaching into my pockets to pay for it.

Kenji stops my hand.

"Nah, it's cool. I'll pay." He says.

Koharu gasps.

"That's not fair!" She huffs.

"Oh shut it." Kenji says, then turns back to me and smiles. "My treat!"

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