Chapter 9

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TW: Gore(?) Idk I cant write scenes like that.

We drop off Zeus at Saki's house and start our journey to meteor city. Aniko got us train tickets to take us out of Yorknew but we're going to be walking after that.

The train is silent. No one makes a noise. It's strange.

I sigh and put in my earphones. I've got nothing better to do. I scroll through spotify before settling on playing my Mitski playlist. Washing Machine Heart comes on first. I used to relate to the song a lot.

Do mi ti
Why not me?

I don't relate to it as much now since I've left the Zoldyck family. I mean, they didn't really care that I left. They aren't trying to get me back like they are with Killua. The Zolycks weren't really family. I've found my own family. The Phantom Troupe is my family. In the few years that I've been with them, the Troupe have treated me better than the Zoldycks had my whole life. Even if the Zoldycks wanted me back, it's too late. I'm loyal to the Spider now.


We arrive in Meteor City, and go to the Phantom Troupe's hideout. It was a relatively big building, very out of place for Meteor City. I was greeted by Feitan and Phinks. Phinks grinned and ruffled my hair upon seeing me while Feitan stayed silent.

"Hey kid. How're ya doing?" He asks, taking his hand away from my head.

"I'm good. Been busy lately." I say.

"I heard you're in school now. How is it going?"

"Good. I made a friend."

"Friend?" Feitan asks.

"Yeah! I have a picture of us, wanna see?" I ask.

"Sure kid." Phinks says, bending down to look at my phone as I pull up a picture of Tatsuya and I at school.

"He look weak." Feitan comments.

"Yeah. He saw my scars in the changing room and was pretty freaked out." I say.

"He didn't see your spider tattoo, did he?" Aniko asks, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"No. I was facing away from him." I say.

"Good." She smiled and walked over to Franklin and Machi.

"Alright everyone." Nobunaga starts. "We'll begin our attack tomorrow. No survivors."

"No survivors." We repeated.

"Good. I'll see you all in the morning." He says.

He turns around and starts walking to his bedroom, all of us doing the same.

When I shut my bedroom door, I pull out my phone and text Tatsuya.

Hey Tatsu, that's me in my hotel room. Sorry for not texting, I was sleeping most of the journey.

Omg send a pic of ur room

I look around my room. It looks normal enough to send a picture of. I snap a picture and send it to him.

(Sent 1 Attatchment)

Looks fancy.

Yeah. The beds comfy too.

Where are you anyways?

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